12 Secrets to Make a Life Better and Extraordinary.
Life is a crazy ride. Life is the most beautiful gift you have ever been gifted. It is time to do something extraordinary and to understand your life. You know this is the most exciting thing I have ever done in my life.
I love to be happy. Happiness is the ultimate goal of my life. You have got only one life but one life is enough if it is enjoyed fully and properly.
You know many great persons died at a very early age but they are remembered for their deeds. Their lives are far more valuable than living hundred of years without doing any yeoman’s service.
So it is time to enjoy your life and make it better. Now let’s unfold life’s amazing secrets.
Here I will reveal my top 12 amazing secrets that have made my life better and assisted me to improve my life daily.
First of all, look at the question
What is a better life or what a better life should be?
To me, you can call a life better when you are healthy and happy. When you love yourself and that of others. You have great relationships, and you are learning every moment and improving your life daily. Last but not least, when you live every moment of your life smilingly and happily, that life is considered a better life to me.
12 secrets to make your life better and extraordinary are……
Know Your Life Is a Precious Gift.
This human life is the most precious gift you have ever been gifted by Almighty God. Don’t waste this golden opportunity of doing ordinary but do something extraordinary.
You should always keep in mind, that you are the only one in this universe. You are blessed with a wonderful and precious life(i.e. Human being). You can do anything and everything if you wish to do so.
Contemplating the thought ‘My life is the most precious gift and it is the only one’ and understanding the depth of this statement is the first step in your journey of making a better and extraordinary life.
Stay Healthy
Would you be happy when you are suffering from any disease? Do you?
You can never be happy until your body is healthy. When you are not at ease(you are in disease), you are not that person who plans for the future and works for further development in life.
A failure can be successful with hard work and dedication, but a person with deadly diseases could never succeed in life’s game. Because the centre point of all your desire and dreams is no longer supporting you.
You can only make your life better if your mind thinks properly and your body gives it company. Body and mind are interconnected. An unhealthy body disturbs your mind and snatches its happiness. Your mind could never be happy and relaxed if your body is not healthy and taken care of.
So it is necessary to stay healthy and take care of your health to achieve something great in life.
Don’t you know what Steve Jobs uttered on his death bed,
“The most expensive bed in this world is the sickbed. You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you can not have someone to bear the sickness for you.”
Staying healthy does not mean taking care of your physical health only but it includes Mental health, Emotional health, Psychological health and spiritual health.
Being healthy is the basis on which you better life will be developed.
Find Your Purpose in Life.
A life without a purpose is a life wasted. You can not make your life good and exceptional if you are unable to find out your purpose in life.
The purpose is the mission that motivates you to go ahead and create history. The persons who create history are the persons having a clear purpose in life.
If you have not found out your purpose yet, finding out your purpose in life is the only purpose of your life.
Read also: The benefits of knowing your purpose in life.
Focus On Your Goal
You should have a specific goal to achieve in life to be successful. The aim of your life is like a destination to reach. If you don’t know where to reach, your driver can take your anywhere. Similarly, your life should have a specific aim in life.
Abraham Lincoln and Mahatma Gandhi are still alive for their contribution to the nation. They have achieved their goals in life and have lived a purposeful life.
Focusing on goals and achieving your aims, make you happy and acceptable. It brings your life closer to real success in life.
When you focus on your goals, it restricts your distractions and teaches you many lessons. You become a financially independent, creative, innovative and happy person.
The world mocks the losers, it only felicitates the winners. It never accepts one who quits
Quitters never win and winners never quit.
To make your life better and amazing, work for your goals and achieve the pinnacle of success but never detach yourself from the ground or the root(always stay grounded or down-to-earth).
Love Yourself First.
Self-love is the best love.
You can pretend to love others a lot more than yourself, but we all love only ourselves deep within. You love your friends and family because they give you happiness and security.
We are afraid of being separated from our most loved persons because it hurts us and we are not ready to tolerate pain.
In a word, you can only love yourself and the persons and objects related to yourself.
It is time to love yourself first and spread genuine love to others.
Self-love starts from you but when it spreads, it acquires the whole world. Self-love teaches you to love others as much as you love yourself. It makes you happy and lets you understand yourself and that of others. And then you treat others in the way you would like to be treated.
Loving yourself means loving your mistakes, foibles and follies and focusing on your strength. And if needed then work on your weakness and make them strong. Everything is possible.
It frees you from the bondage of attachment and fills your mind with love, compassion, kindness and honesty. It is the heavenly feeling you will ever have.
Love yourself and Your life would automatically become better and extraordinary.
Learn to Choose your Friends’ Circle.
Your surrounding has a great impact on your life. You are defined by the information you consume. Good information or good thoughts fortifies your brain to do something creative in life.
Friends are the most valuable treasure of our life. You always feel free to share anything(joy, sorrow, confusion) with your friends and get relaxed.
Friendship is like flowing water and it clears all our confusion. But only a good friend can have a great and life-changing impact on you.
So it’s equally important to choose your friend circle as we spend most of our time with our friends. A good friend is equal to all books in a library.
If you are conscious of selecting your friends and end up finding the right friends circle, your life would entirely be changed.
Good friends give your good information and encourage you to push your limit. A good friend not only helps you to progress in life but also makes you stronger, more confident and happy.
A good friend is like a collyrium of your eyes, if your cry it melts first and then your tears touch your cheeks.
Be compassionate and loveable.
Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.
Have you ever experienced that kind of joy that comes after helping someone who needs you?
A greedy person falls short no matter how much he gets. But a needy person showers blessing if he gets a minimum of his required things.
Compassion fills your heart with happiness and peace. It shows that you and the other person are the same. And then you feel happy in others’ happiness and pain in others’ unhappiness. This compassion and love for others connect you intensely with the whole universe and your life finds its true meaning.
Your life is not great when you have enormous money but still hankering after your name, fame and money for the rest of your life. Your life is great and precious when your know you have done something meaningful job in your life(may not be a big contribution but a sincere and honest contribution).
It makes your life meaningful when you know the reason behind some people’s happiness is YOU.
Learn from Everything
Education gives us knowledge and knowledge differentiates persons.
A speaker is confident and attractive during speaking if he has great knowledge and years of experience in the field of oratory.
You can never call your life beautiful if you are living being fearful and without career satisfaction. You are suffering from an inferiority complex and does not dare to take risk in your life, do you call it a meaningful life?
Your life becomes meaningful when you are learning from everything and improving daily. Your career satisfaction makes your life relaxing and make it meaningful.
Nurture a learning attitude, be confident and fearless and then go ahead in life. Your learning attitude would save you in every place, This attitude refrains you from being a greedy person.
Utilize your Time
Like the tide, time once gone is gone forever.
You can never hold time but utilize it. Time is the most powerful tool that heals everything and changes everything.
Your happiness and pain both are fragile. With time everything gets changed. But it benefits you manifold if you utilize your time and change yourself.
The successful and failure persons both have the same amount of time in a day but their type of usage time results in the opposite. It is really important to manage your time properly and use the time to improve yourself.
Don’t forget time is more valuable than money. Money can be earned after being spent but spent time can never be regained.
Utilize your time and improve your skill, thoughts, physique, and emotional intelligence with time. You will be more accepting and more confident.
Read also: Time management tips.
Learn something new every day
The more you know, you become more confident and less fearful and only then your true life begins. If you learn something new on daily basis, your brain thinks faster and you become more creative. It increases your confidence when you pick up any new skill and achieve mastery.
Knowledge attracts knowledge. When you learn something new, it also encourages you to learn another skill.
There can nothing be more enjoyable than achieving mastery of one skill and making that your life.
You can learn a language, dance steps, poetry writing, book writing and so on. Don’t think you have to achieve mastery in every field but take them as hobbies and perform them according to your interest.
This activity fills your heart with happiness and a sense of feeling that you have lived your life fully and entirely.
Live in today or for today
Sometimes being lost in our future dreams, we forget to enjoy and live in the present moment. Life is too fragile to imagine what you are going to be in the next five years.
Dreaming for future happiness and achievements is good but what if your life ends today? When you live in today or the present moment, it gives you satisfaction.
I am not trying to tell you to stop dreaming of doing great things in future but for living in the present moment. Dream big, plan for your future journey but do them on daily basis with complete involvement, enjoyment and happiness.
Live you today in such a way so that at night you can utter honestly,
Hey God, I have completed all my daily tasks and I am one step forward towards my success. I have lived my today and if tomorrow I die, I have no regret for it. I am happy and relax.
When you live like this your life starts every morning and ends every night. Now you know today is the last day of your life, so you leave no stone unturned to make it beautiful and amazing. And then you don’t have past and future to be worried about but the present to live completely.
Great persons are those who can claim today as their day.
Be the Observer of Life
One with good observation power can easily see the ups and downs of his life and predict the future.
Your observation power gives you clarity in life and makes it unforgettable. If you are unable to observe your life you will fail to improve it.
No matter in which field you are in but if you fail to see how your professional field would be changed in the next five years, your life would face a problem then.
Observe your life, your work field, your competitor and your progress in life. Don’t trap in competition but rise above the competition.
“All birds find shelter during rain but eagle avoids rain by flying above the sky.”
APJ Abdul Kalam.
Only your sharp observation skill shows you the path to being extraordinary and attractive in life. Life is yours, enjoy it wholly.