Exploring Dark Side: 5 Reasons For Superiority Complex.

Human life is not always perfect. There are so many problems. Sometimes you feel so much happiness and the next time, you can feel depressed. You may have an inferiority complex while you can also experience a superiority complex. The former emotion can break you but the latter can make you.
But nothing in the extreme is better. Neither a superiority complex nor an inferiority complex is better. So, the best thing is to create a balance between these two psychological conditions.
So, let’s come and dive deep into the topic of the superiority complex and understand them carefully.
Table Of Contents.
What is a superiority complex?
The reasons behind the superiority complex.
What is a superiority complex?
A superiority complex is a psychological condition where an individual believes that he is inherently better, more efficient, more capable, and more intelligent than those around him. He always nurtures the thought that he can do anything and everything. He even thinks that he is the most acceptable person on this planet.
People with a superiority complex always want admiration and validation from others. These praises make them more happy and they indulge themselves in an inflated sense of self-worth and arrogance.
As they think they are superior to others, they may seek a chance to establish control over others.
It is important to note that the superiority complex can be a defence mechanism. The individuals use this mechanism to cover underlying feelings of insecurity. In a word, this superiority complex is a mask that helps individuals protect themselves from inadequacy.
5 Reasons Behind The Superiority Complex.
The superiority complex is a psychological condition. There are some reasons behind this kind of thought. But the reasons for the development of a superiority complex are not the same for everyone. They can vary from person to person.
The superiority complex can arise from psychological, environmental, and cultural factors.
Now I will share with you some reasons that may contribute to developing a superiority complex.
1. Childhood Experiences.
Childhood experiences always have the deepest influence on everyone. A child’s mind is like clay. You can make anything out of it. They became what they listen to us in their childhood.
If a child is treated badly, they become a victim of an inferiority complex. On the other hand, early life experiences, such as excessive praise, or extreme validation can contribute to the development of a superiority complex. These experiences may create an exaggerated sense of self-worth and entitlement.
2. Comparison.
Comparison is a weapon that destroys a beautiful life. This comparison and competition often make someone fail and more destructed person in life.
So, if you always engage in constant comparison to others and desire to be better than others, may create a sense of superiority.
You are always busy then just to outperform others as this sense of betterment boosts your self-confidence and makes you happy. But this is not true. If you compare yourself with others to be better, you will be a little better than them. You can never understand the true beauty of this human life.
On the other hand, when you are not jealous of others rather you focus on your self-growth, your life becomes easy. As a result, you understand the beauty of this life and become the happiest person.
3. Parental Influence.
Parents are the whole world for a child. While you were a child, you knew everything with your parents. In our childhood, we learn everything by copying our elders, especially our parents.
We talk as they talk and we want to be what they want. Honestly speaking, parental behaviours and attitudes play a significant role in shaping a person’s perception. If parents always tell their children that they are more intelligent and better than others, that can create a sense of superiority.
4. Low Self-esteem.
The superiority complex can be considered a defence mechanism as they mask one’s underlying feeling of insecurity and low self-esteem. When an individual feels that he has inadequacy, low self-esteem and weakness that he does not wish to have. He compensates them by creating a grand self-image and asserting their superiority over others.
But in general, every person has weaknesses and inadequacies because they are natural for everyone. But people with superior thoughts believe that being superior protects them from being hurt or rejected.
5. Extreme Praise and Validation.
Anything in extreme is bad. If you love or hate someone extra, that is also bad. If you always get extreme praise and validation from others, they can contribute to the development of a superiority complex.
In this case, societal or cultural factors can also contribute to boosting your self-esteem negatively. If someone gets praise, admiration and validation consistently without proper balance, they may develop a superiority complex.
They start thinking they are superior to others. This superior thought can strengthen their beliefs and further fuel their sense of superiority.
In a word, people with superior thoughts try to hide their low self-esteem. They are not superior because a truly powerful person can never take pride in his power. He is always humble and down-to-earth. He can control his mind.
It is important to note that these reasons are not complete, and a superiority complex can have many underlying causes. To overcome this psychological complexity, self-reflection, personal growth, and strong willingness are necessary. Your willpower has the power that can address the root cause of these beliefs and behaviours.
The moral of the story is that it would be better if you are free from any kind of complexity. Try to live a balanced life which leads to a happy and peaceful life.