Stop Making Friends: 7 Benefits To Be Your Own Best Friend.

Life is meaningless without the right friends. Life becomes difficult without friends. Friends make our lives easy and smooth. Life seems a burden if you don’t have near and dear ones to listen to you. So, becoming your best friend benefits you magically.
Not always money helps you, but sometimes others’ care can cure your wound. As a human being, you are always in want of someone who can easily understand you, listen to you and will be always with you.
In this present world, everybody is busy with their work. Everyone wants to see themselves at the pinnacle of success. So, they are so busy to talk to you.
As a result, you don’t have always a person with whom you can share everything. So, your mental pressure increases as you are suppressing your pains. To solve this problem, you find only two ways either you try to find some new friends or you conceal your pains.
Moreover, you end up making fake friends sometimes. You become more depressed then. And your depression deepens in suppressing your pains.
The moral of the story is that these two paths trap you rather than set you free.
According to me, the only solution to this problem is; you have to make yourself your best friend. There are no other better solutions available.
Table Of Contents.
What is the definition of a best friend?
What do you mean by becoming your own best friend?
The benefits of becoming your own best friend.
Who is a best friend?
Let’s understand who is a friend before knowing the definition of a best friend. To me, a friend realizes my silence, unspoken words and sorrow without being informed. She sees me in her and judges herself before judging me.
So, the best friend is a friend who knows everything about yourself. He is in your weal and woe. He believes in you and realizes your sorrows. You become an important part of his life. The person does not have any expectations from you. He always wants your happiness and well-being.
On the whole, a best friend is just like your reflection. When both of you feel an inner heartiest connection that is unshakeable and unbreakable; you both are the best friend for each other.
A best friend knows everything about you. He does not judge you, he accepts you as you are. You feel comfortable there and enjoy freedom.
What do you mean by becoming your own best friend?
Feelings and emotions change with time. The most liked person can be an object of dislikeness. Your emotional bond decides others’ beauty.
When you feel a special emotional bond with someone, you think he is the dearest of you. But the truth is that everything depends on emotions, circumstances and time.
You can not trust anyone but yourself. You can only be your best friend; that friend who sets you free from any bondage.
Becoming your own best friend means accepting yourself as you are. It is like giving yourself quality time and freedom of speech. Loving yourself wholeheartedly also means becoming your own best friend. When you sympathize with your wrong decisions and console yourself in a bad situation, you play the role of your own best friend.
You express everything to yourself and find ways to solve your problem. You become more of your friend than of others.
So, when you try to make yourself happy, realize your sorrows, solve your problems love yourself despite drawbacks; you are becoming your own best friend.
The Benefits Of Becoming Your Own Best Friend.
When you become your own finest friend, most of your problems become solved automatically. You feel energy every day and your mind becomes peaceful. Life becomes easy and comfortable.
So, there are numerous benefits that you feel when you become your own most satisfactory friend.
1. You Feel Pure Happiness.
Happiness is the expression of your happy mind. If your mind is happy and healthy, you feel a stream of happiness flowing inside you.
You feel pure happiness when your body and mind are healthy. Your mind is stable and it is free from problems. So, your inner well-being gives your enormous joy. As a result, you feel pure happiness.
The mind can never be stable and peaceful if you depend on others for your mental health.
For example, you love someone from the bottom of your heart. His/her presence makes you happy. You think your life would be meaningless without him or her. But what about if his/her emotions change?
You feel the most profound agony and that destroys your mental happiness because you had some expectations from them.
But when you depend on yourself for your emotional support, you don’t need to be worried. You understand and love yourself. There are no unrealistic expectations. The moral of the story is that you feel only pure happiness when you are your soundest friend.
2. Life Becomes A Playful Game.
You often hear people saying, life is a complicated game. They are worried about their lives. Life is a burden for them and they try to make it light.
Have you ever thought about why people commit suicide? Because their lives become heavy and they can not live that anymore. Life becomes a difficult game and they want to quit the game.
When your near and dear ones ignore you, you feel like dying. For example, you love someone but the other person does not love you. What happens then?
You cry, scream, break your heart and you lose your desire to live.
Now the question is, what has made your life complicated?
Your emotional dependence on other people has created your life difficult.
But what would happen if you were your own best friend?
You used to think that life can be lived without a person. You console yourself then. Your mind as your friend tells you that there are many more things to conquer in this life. You have lived your life peacefully and happily before the person came into your life. If that was possible then why not?
Your best friend i.e. your inner self shows you millions of positive ways to live this life. You unfold many more secrets of your life and that makes your life light. Sadness could not break you then rather it makes you strong. Your life becomes a playful game then and you derive happiness from it.
3. You Become Emotionally Intelligent.
In a word, emotionally intelligent means when you understand your emotions and that of others. You see the subtle difference in your emotion and can capture that.
You can never be intelligent in emotions if you focus on others. Because you don’t know others completely. You only understand the emotions when you focus on yourself because you know who are you.
As your own finest friend you understand how your emotions emerge and how they impact your life. That helps you to know your strengths and weaknesses. It also gives you a way to work on your faults.
Your intelligence allows you to understand yourself and that supports you to control yourself. If you can control your emotion at right time that benefits you magically.
The moral of the story is if you become your best friend you realize your thoughts and emotions that permits you to live a happy life.
Nothing is more important than happiness in life. In a word, happiness is life.
4. Your Self-Confidence Increases.
Self-confidence increase when you know yourself better than others. When you learn every secret of your life and you know how to handle it, your confidence increases.
Suppose, you like someone and you are feeling that. But you are fighting with yourself and you are denying that fact to your heart. We express every secret of ourselves to our best friends and sometimes they help us to tackle the situation.
So, when you are your bosom friend you need to admit that to yourself. The moment you admit the fact that you like him or her, it releases the burden from your heart. Then your mind finds ways to inform your heart call to the other person.
Like this, your self-confidence develops and you start becoming fearless. You can handle yourself perfectly and life becomes happy.
5. You Share A Cute Bond With Others.
A cute bond means a relationship that gives you enormous joy and complete freedom. That connection reduces your stress and solves your problems.
Everybody wants a beautiful bonding with others; a bond that is based on honesty, trust and inner beauty. A bond is only possible when both of you(you and the other person) are interested in each other. When your mind matches with the others, you find a friend in him or her.
A relationship can be built easily but it needs honesty and truthfulness to be sustained. You can only be honest when you don’t have any expectations from others. When you play the role of giver and you don’t wish for anything in return for that.
But when do you become a giver?
You become a giver when you have nothing to get from anyone and when you are complete with yourself. If you come closer to your heart and become your best friend, you expect nothing from others.
Anyone likes a person who does not take anything from you and rather gives you happiness and solution. He sees you as one of his life. And only then a cute bond is created that is everlasting.
6. Your Progress Becomes Effortless.
You usually hear that you have to effort a lot to progress in life. There are so many barriers on the way to success. Sometimes, the obstacles are so strong that we can not handle them alone.
In this busy world, we could not expect from others because they are also busy. But if you can be your best friend, it helps you a lot to progress effortlessly.
Your best friend gives you the best decisions and those allow you to tackle any kind of situation.
Being your own best friend benefits you in your progress as your progress becomes effortless. When you easily progress in life, you learn many things in less time. You end up living your life to the fullest.
7. You Win Your Inner World.
Winning the outer world is not a big deal at all. But the conquering of the inner world is a herculean task. You can only win your inner world if you spend quality time with it.
But what happens when you are surrounded by friends?
You are always busy talking with your friends. Most of your time is spent there as you know they are your world and without them, you are all alone. You win your external world but the internal world is more important than the outer.
But if you become your best friend, you spend more time with yourself. Your inner world becomes easy to understand for you. It helps you to make the right decisions. Then you notice the facts that make your mind restless. You try to remove those and your mind becomes peaceful.
When you are peaceful in any critical situation, it means you have won your inner world. You have understood yourself better than others. Once you realize yourself properly, you live life peacefully.
So, let me know in the comment section how you as your own best friend help you in making your life simple and easy.