8 Secrets To Become Your Own Best Friend.

Published by Chanpa Pal on

Self-love is the best love. It helps you to become your own best friend.

Nobody can be a greater friend than yourself. Unknowingly you are your best friend. You can understand yourself well than anyone else. Your secrets are your assets. If you can conceal your secrets, you can win the game of this life easily.

The most exciting person indeed is a person who keeps his secrets. Where no one is our own, our secrets make us easy for others to cheat with.

Life, the most interesting game could only be enjoyed properly when you hide your riddles but know the others. You take the full joy of life then.

Our secrets indeed make us strong to tackle the world. So, we need to do something that helps us to hide our secrets and know this world wholeheartedly.

You can live this life interestingly when you make yourself your own best friend. If you become your best friend, you don’t share anything of yourself with others. This makes you a closed book to others and increases your value.

Here I am going to share the secrets that help you to become your own best friend.

How To Become Your Own Best Friend.

There are some ways that I have applied in my life to make myself my best friend. I am just going to share those. Every secret is practical because I have used them in my life. And now I am my best friend. Moreover, I have great friends circle and I am the leader of the team.

So, becoming your best friend benefits you numerously and makes your life easy.

1. Make Yourself Healthy.

Health is above wealth. There is nothing more important than being healthy. In a word, being healthy is a prerequisite to achieving everything. If you are not beneficial, nothing can give you peace.

Your health keeps your mind healthy. When you are healthy(you don’t have any serious diseases) you feel enormous joy. But most people ignore the importance of this asset.

You only understand the importance of something when they are gone. When someone goes from your life, you realize how important the person was in your life!

Similarly, health itself is the greatest blessing, so value this.

If you want to be your finest friend then work on your body and feel healthy. Your healthy body helps you to be wealthy.

Don’t you know that your health can make you wise and wealthy? So, be healthy.

2. Conquer Your Mind.

The mind is more powerful than the body. A mind is like the software or the operating system of this hardware i.e. body. Your body just follows the instructions of your mind. If your mind says something possible, your body makes that possible.

You have heard that there are so many people who were physically challenged but they have done something truly unthinkable.

How did they do?

They are successful because they listen to their minds. Their bodies followed the instructions of their minds. It is obvious that without conquering your mind you can never be your best friend.

Wining your mind means that your mind is under your control. When you conquer your mind, you work better. Your work makes you happy and recognized. You gradually start loving yourself and end up becoming your best friend.

Nothing is more important than your work. You can only derive pure happiness when you take pride in your work. So, conquer your mind and order it to do what your inner heart wants. When you follow your heart’s call, you become your most satisfactory friend indeed.

3. Understand Your Emotions.

Emotion means energy in motion. Our emotions tie us with others. Behind every story, there is a strong emotion.

Why do you want friends? Because you want to express your emotions to others and wish to make an emotional bond with them.

Have you ever thought about why someone is your best friend? It is because he or she understands and cares about your emotions. Sometimes, they understand our emotions better than us.

So, when you understand your emotions properly and you know how your mind reacts in different situations; you start becoming your best friend. In that time, you feel that another person is not compulsory for your life but they are necessary.

Your mind says that you understand your emotions and you can also express them, so you can handle your pains. You enjoy happiness alone but your sadness is not tolerated alone. You need someone then.

But what happens when you can tolerate your pain with a smile; you feel that you don’t need one to be taken care of. The person who handles his pains without informing the world, he indeed his best friend.

4. Focus On Your Problems.

You don’t have any complaints when life flows smoothly. But when life takes a turn, you make a lot of complaints. You usually think that problems are your foes but problems are your friends. They help you to grow in life. And you know that growth is life.

It usually happens people remember you in their bad times. But when good times come they forget you. Every person wants a problem-free life. If you can solve your problems, you can be a good friend of your own.

So, don’t ignore your problem or run away from your problems rather focus on your problem. When you focus on your problems, you understand the root cause of the problem. And it helps you to solve your problem.

You learn so many things when you solve your problems and it also increases your self-confidence. Your problem-solving skill makes you the warrior of life. When you are a warrior, you are not afraid of wars because that is your work. A warrior dares to deal with any kind of problem as a problem gives him energy.

So, focus on your problems and be the warrior of this life. Then you will have to courage to be alone and friendless because you become your best support. Like this, your problems accelerate your growth and make you your best friend.

5. Read Good Books.

According to me, books mean knowledge. Good books mean the knowledge that sets you free. The knowledge that makes you strong and independent is the greatest. You can learn anything from books. Good books help you to acquire the knowledge that helps you to be your best friend.

When you read books and gain knowledge from them; your mind develops. You come closer to yourself and start focusing on yourself. It assists you to identify your strength and weakness. Good books open millions of ways in front of you and unfold the untold mystery of life.

When you know there are many things to be known and understood, you dive deep into your heart. You start learning about yourself and this life very minutely. It helps you to be your finest friend.

6. Accept Your Weakness And Work On Them.

Life can never be black or white; it is always black and white. If there is good power, there must be bad powers. Ever the power is good in comparison to the bad power.

Like this, everyone has both strong points and weak points. If you only accept your strength and reject your weakness, you can never be your best friend.

A best friend accepts you as you are. He never judges you but accepts you. Similarly, you have to accept your weaknesses and love yourself as you are. If you don’t like your drawbacks, you work on them to make them your strength. But at no point, you can not deny those.

When you accept your weakness, you sympathise with yourself. Your weakness makes you beautiful as they make you a mixture of both perfect and imperfect things.

So, accept your weakness and work on them. It brings you closer to your heart and ends up making yourself your own best friend.

7. Try New Things.

Nothing is more exciting than learning something new. You never feel bored if learn something new every day. Your learning makes you more confident and more courageous. It boosts your memory and makes you a famous person.

When you try new things, you make mistakes and your mistakes provide you with practical knowledge. Your growth amazes you to learn more. The more you learn, the closer you come to your heart. You become your primary attraction and you focus on yourself more than others.

You spend most of your time with yourself then. If your spend quality time with yourself, you become your own best friend. The moral of the story is that your learning attitude engages you in yourself and makes you a good friend.

8. Pursue Your Passion.

Passion plays an important role in our lives. Lucky are those who have pursued their passions as their profession. If you are happy with your work field, you are living a blessed life indeed. When you follow your passion, life becomes easy and problems become small.

But everyone does not have the freedom to follow their passions. They had to pursue a career that they dislike. Your work-life pressure makes your life difficult and brings you far away from yourself. You don’t have enough time then to discover your myth.

In that case, you have to give yourself the time when you can follow your passion.

For example, dancing is your passion but you are a marketer and you can not quit this job. Now, you can work as a marketer and you also dance every day for a certain time. Now you don’t have any competition, so you don’t have any fear.

What happens when you pursue your passion? It makes your life meaningful and makes you more joyful. You realize the true meaning of your life then. You gradually come closer to yourself. It helps you to be your own best friend.

So, the moral of the story is that you have to pursue your passion for many reasons as it frees you from your work pressure and makes you happy for good.

So, what are the secrets that support you to be your best friend? Let me know in the comment section.

Categories: Happiness

Chanpa Pal

My name is Chanpa Pal. I am a passionate learner. I love to learn new things every moment. Understanding my life is one of my most fascinating hobbies. I write content based on real-life experience. These will also help you to understand your life better. So, have a great and happy life ahead.


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