8 Simple Tricks to Live Balanced Life.

Life is a fantastic journey; a balanced life gives you pure happiness. You can never measure the structure of life; life is like life. It is full of joys, sorrows, experiences and strange things. So, a balanced life can only give you so much joy and happiness.
Why is life fantastic? Because this journey does not have any blueprint to follow to live it. It is always new and refreshing. This life is full of unknown facts and experiences.
To know the unknown and to see the unseen is the motto of this life.
Indeed, life always gives us pain as it heals our suffering. Life is nothing but living it with balance. So, creating balance is the only thing that makes life meaningful.
Table of Contents.
What is a balanced life?
Definitions of a balanced life.
Benefits of a balanced life.
The signs that your life is under balance.
How to live a balanced life?
The Signs that your life is out of balance.
What is a Balanced Life?
A balanced life means when you are happy with your life. It means that you have figured out the importance of every aspect of your life. Living life in complete order and happiness is a balanced life indeed.
Life consists of physical, psychological and spiritual health. So, balance among these three things is equal to a balanced life.
Some traits of a balanced life are,
- A balanced life is simple, easy to live and it is filled with happiness.
- You are good at time management. So you progress quickly.
- Responsibilities become easy for you then.
- You develop a learning attitude and become a humble person.
- You focus on your external and internal world alike.
- A balanced life is also a productive life. It is full of potential.
- Life flows like a river and it becomes easy when life is balanced.
Definitions of Balanced Life.
There is no exact definition of a balanced life. The purpose of balanced life varies from person to person. But the core remains the same; attaining happiness.
You cannot deny that we all are working to acquire enormous happiness. Happiness is the only purpose behind doing anything on this planet.
For example, you are working hard. But why?
You are doing hard work because you want more comfort and more popularity. Those things give you happiness. So, the actual motive for doing anything on this planet is to gain enjoyment.
So, the moral of the story is that you need to create a balance of these three things(physical, psychological and spiritual health) to live a well-balanced life.
Why balance these three things?
It is because
- Good physical health but poor mental health creates mental pressure.
- Good psychological health is not possible without physical health.
- You can only attain spiritual health when your body and mind work perfectly.
- Lastly, when these three things are balanced, you are living a balanced life indeed.
Who doesn’t need balance in life?
Everything is not for everyone. We always talk about a balanced life though it is not valid for everyone. A child is supposed to be imbalanced. He does not need balance because his out-of-balance work makes him beautiful.
Our childhood days need to be perfectly imbalanced. Childhood days are a precious period for every person.
How does the definition of a balanced life change with time?
- A student needs to read well and be stable and hold a balance between body and mind. His primary work is studying and this is his life’s balance.
- The balance of a well-settled person is to maintain his health. (physical, psychological and spiritual health.).
- After your sixties, you need to focus on winning your inner world and living life with peace and serenity.
Benefits of Living a Life Greatly Balanced.
1. You Become Healthy And Happy.
Being healthy is not a destination but a life-long journey. Health is the most precious wealth on this planet. Being healthy itself is the greatest asset you ever have.
Happiness is the expression of your health. A healthy body makes your mind healthy. A healthy mind gives you enormous joy.
There are ups and downs in life. You can never claim life as a happy one or a sad one. It is a mixture of happiness and sadness.
You often become excited and depressed. Both situations make you a fool. You lose your intelligence during these and are prone to make wrong decisions.
But when you live a balanced life, you know how to handle extreme happiness and sadness. You make good decisions. You work up daily then because now everything is under your control.
Taking care of your body and making good decisions bring you health and happiness.
2. You Understand Life Correctly.
Life is like a flowing river. It flows until death. Sometimes we are stuck in life. Life becomes monotonous. Only a happy person’s life becomes a flowing river. And a happy person understands life correctly.
Understanding the deep secrets of this human life is more interesting than any other thing. We must know the secret of this life. The moral of the story is that you see this life correctly when you are living a balanced life.
3. Good Tuning.
As a social animal human loves to be surrounded by friends. Friends are the people with whom we share a special bond and who make us happy.
Life has five major sectors; health, work, friends, family and spirit. Sometimes we focus on only one thing and neglect others. As a result, we fail to make good tuning with others.
A good relationship does not mean that you listen to them blindly and that’s why they share friendship with you. It means that they wish to be in touch with you forever. It only happens when you live a balanced life.
When you live a peaceful (balanced life) you start understanding yourself more than others. And this helps you to understand others easily. You end up making great tuning with others.
4. Progress Quickly.
We are usually stuck in life when something unusual happens. You stop progressing when you are at stake. As a result, life becomes monotonous and you lose your happiness. When you are in a problem, you forget to progress.
If you are not progressing it is not a life at all. A balanced life shows you how to get rid of problems and progress quickly.
When your life is balanced, you know how to act in the most crucial time. Moreover, if you are living a balanced life, it is easy for you to handle any situation very carefully and confidently.
It is because when you are balanced, you do everything in moderation. And when there is moderation, there is less chance of making mistakes and noise. It also helps reduce conflicts and confusion. So, only a balanced life gives you quick progress in life.
5. Personality Becomes Magical.
We usually attract a magical personality. A personality that makes you happy and feels like you are meeting with yourself; is enchanting.
A person becomes unique when he understands the outer world and inner world perfectly. He makes great decisions and progresses quickly. And if he makes any wrong decisions, he accepts them and tries to make them right next time.
He only can see life as it is and enjoy it completely. As a result, whenever we meet such a personality we become amazed and life unfolds new pathways in front of us.
A personality becomes magical when you work on yourself and live a balanced life. Because when you live an ordered life, you only understand when to speak and when to remain silent. It helps you to be the most popular person among others.
6. Confidence Develops.
Confidence means when knowing something well and you have practically done it in your life.
For example, you are going for a job interview. The interview is about teaching and your subject is English. You only get confidence if you have sound knowledge of English(text and grammar), you have already taught somewhere and you faced many others interviews.
Then how a balanced life increases your confidence?
It develops confidence because you try to push your limit then and learn many more things quickly. You want to outperform them and that teaches you so many lessons. So, your experiences make you confident and fearless.
7. Learning Attitude.
A student is always learning. He loves to learn something new every moment. Life goes easily when you learn and it seems as if you are living every moment of your life completely.
The moment you want to create balance among health, wealth and happiness; you wish to learn life deeply. It inspires you so much you can not refrain from learning.
Learning is the most useful tool to live the happiest and most meaningful life. It helps you to solve your problems and unfolds the real meaning of this human life.
Moreover, it tells you how many things you don’t know. Learning assists you to know the real purpose of this human life.
The signals of a balanced life.
- You are financially independent. You are not running out of money. You can pursue any new career if you wish at any time.
- You become happy and enhance your inner beauty. You understand yourself very minutely and that makes you more comfortable. Happiness is one of the prominent signs of living a balanced life.
- Problems become smaller. You become bigger and you can easily solve any kind of problem.
- Start loving life of your own. You realize the worth of this human life. You start loving this life so much and it becomes precious to you.
- You accept everything in life. But you never refrain from doing the right work.
- Don’t be afraid of disaster but be ready to solve that. Disaster no longer makes you fearful rather it helps you to increase your wisdom and power.
- You have an unshakeable faith in god. The faith that nobody could break and that ultimately brings you to real success.
- You think of life as a game. You take it lightly and play it playfully. An interesting spark you find in your eyes.
- You are eager to learn something new. This learning attitude makes you different from others.
How to Live a Balanced Life.
1. You Have To Be Healthy And Wealthy.
You are not only the body or the mind. You are the mixture of body, mind and intellect. So, if you want to balance, you have to maintain these three things.
The body is like the instrument, you may call it the hardware. And the mind is the software. So, being healthy(physically and mentally) is the foremost duty of this journey.
Wealth does not bring happiness but it helps you to buy all the things that bring happiness. If you are running out of money, your mind would be disturbed. As body and mind are interconnected; the disturbed mind makes your physical body unhealthy.
Being healthy and wealthy are the primary steps to living a healthy life.
2. Maintain Good Psychological Health.
Psychological health means your mental and emotional health. You have to be very particular about your thoughts and emotions. You need to know how your body reacts to sudden situations and your emotions fluctuate with time and occurrences.
The more you know about yourself, your mind comes under your control. Once you can control your mind, the rest is so easy. One who can control his mind can easily live a balanced life.
The moral of the story is that you have to maintain good psychological health as it assists you to balance your life.
3. Be Financially Independent.
The term financially independent means when you are not worried about money anymore before doing anything. You have enough money to spend. Money is not your concern anymore.
Life shows its beauty when you think out of money. If money becomes your main concern you could never concentrate on understanding the secrets of this human life.
If you attain financial independence, your mind thinks about other aspects of life and finds a way to create balance in your life. And only then you can at least think of living a balanced life.
4. Understand Your Inner Voice Quickly.
When you listen to your inner voice and act according to that it makes your life simple and easy to live. You feel the stream of joy in your heart when you follow your passion. It gives you happiness and happiness is the only emotion which we all want before doing anything.
So, it is good to understand the inner voice and follow that. It is the only power which helps you to live a balanced life.
5. Work On Your Inner World.
The inner world is bigger and more powerful than the outer. The battle in the outer world is just the manifestation and the original shape is in the mind.
Moreover, your mind is more powerful than anything else. If you work on your inner world, you would learn how the mind works and that is the most important for living a balanced life.
Working on the inner world means understanding your mind minutely and controlling it.
The more you work on your inner world, your external world automatically becomes balanced. Then you need to do less work to control your mind. When the internal world is in balanced mode, the outer world would follow the same.
6. Acquire More Skills.
Learning attitude makes you beautiful. Nothing is more beautiful than wisdom. Your knowledge can only make you memorable and brings freedom.
Why acquire more skills?
The skill makes you confident. Your confidence helps you to progress in life easily. When life progresses easily it means that your life is in a balanced mode.
Your life becomes more practical and you will be fearless when you know more skills. You know then that you can handle any situation easily.
7. Prioritize Your Life.
You need to prioritize your life. It would help if you had a clear idea about the purpose of your life.
When you set your goals first and then the other things; that helps you to complete your task and live a balanced life.
Here you need to understand that you have to put your job first on your priority list. This is the only solution that gives you freedom and happiness.
So when you prioritize your life with pen and paper, your life becomes sorted out. And then it becomes so easy to balance it.
The moral of the story is that you should never overvalue or undervalue something or someone. Give everything their deserving importance.
8. See The Ultimate Goal Of This Life.
The ultimate goal or purpose of this life is discovering the highest possibilities of this human being. There is nothing more important than this purpose. If you can achieve this, your life as a human being will be successful.
When you discover the actual purpose of your life; there is no waste of time and no procrastination. You are always in balance then.
Always remember; to bring your mind under your control, making your life balance is the journey of this life.
Signs you are out of Balance.
- You are not healthy.
- You remain unhappy always.
- You are running out of time. Time management is impossible for you.
- Poor tuning with anyone. You are not able to make good tuning with others. You always end up breaking relationships.
- You don’t love your work. Work is a burden and monotonous for you.
- You are stuck in life easily. Life becomes complicated and you find no way to make it easy.
- Laziness engrossed you.
- You can not progress at a crucial time. You always blame your life and make hindrances in your path.
So what are your ways to making a balanced life? Let me know in the comment section.