Breaking Down Barriers: 6 Ways to Conquer Superiority Complex.

As the inferiority complex is a problem so the superiority complex is. It is an undeniable truth that nothing in the extreme is ever good. Whenever one indulges in anything excessively, it is bound to have negative consequences. It is imperative to maintain a sense of balance in all matters to ensure a healthy and fulfilling life. Even the good things become worse if they are done in excess. So, the moral of the story is that you should always try to do everything in balance. Similarly, you can conquer the superiority complex with easy and practical steps.
And it would help if you did the things that create balance in your life. Even you need to cultivate the thoughts that always give you strength and power.
Here I am going to share with you some ways that would help you to live a balanced life and help you to conquer the superiority complex.
6 Ways To Conquer Superiority Complex.
1. See The Reality.
Have you ever thought about when you feel superior to others?
Or what is the psychology that works behind this kind of thought then?
You usually feel superior when you don’t see the actual reality of this world. You only see the reality surrounding you and then you think that you are greater than others. However, the truth is that your knowledge about this world is quite limited.
Don’t forget there is always a superpower than you. Suppose you are earning ten thousand dollars per month and you are thinking you are doing the greatest job to earn this amount of money. But the reality is that many people earn this amount of money daily.
You only display your superiority to those beneath you, while feeling inferior to those above you.
The moral of the story is that you are neither superior nor inferior.
You are superior to the inferior and inferior to the superior.
But the best thing is when you live a moderate life. A balanced life is the most wanted life because this life only gives you happiness and peace.
It’s important to stay grounded and appreciate all aspects of your life to the fullest.
Summary: See the reality to live in this reality. If you ignore the reality, you will start living in illusions. If you feel you are superior, then always think that you are neither superior nor inferior. It depends on your state of mind. Superiors are inferior to those above them, and inferiors are superior to those below them.
2. Understand How Much You Don’t Know.
There are one hundred billion stars in our galaxy and one hundred billion galaxies in the universe. The Sun is one of the trillions of stars and Earth is one of the hundred trillion or more planets.
Now, think how little is our Earth in our galaxy and we are also a tiny little part of our Earth.
It is impossible for a person to fully comprehend the vastness of the universe, even with immense intelligence and dedication. Despite investing all their time in understanding the universe, they would still be unable to unveil all its secrets.
And is it not foolishness when you think you are superior to others? Just think how great this universe is and how little we are in that universe.
When you understand how much you don’t know you grasp the true meaning of Sir Issac Newton; ‘s quotes,
“I have just collected some pebbles in the seashore of wisdom.”
The choice is yours. Either you spend all your precious time just to show others your pride which is not true or you can live a life with truthfulness and wisdom.
You can only learn something new when you believe you know little. When your mind is empty, you will learn to understand better. So, be free from an inferiority and superiority complex and try to discover the secret of this universe because you have minimal time.
Summary: This universe is too vast to discover. There are so many things to learn but it depends on you how much you are trying to learn. If you suffer from a superiority complex, it is impossible to discover the secrets of this universe but if you empty your mind, you can learn better. So be free, conquer the superiority complex and swim in the river of wisdom.
3. Spend Time With Yourself.
Do you know the only secret of yourself? The secret is that you are your best friend. None is so close to you. You can only be your best friend and best foe.
Do you ever feel unhappy in your life and blame it on others? The truth is, you may be unhappy because of yourself. For example, if you are facing financial issues, you might think that earning money is too hard and therefore not even try. However, this negative mindset is only making things worse. It’s important to take ownership of our feelings and actions and work towards positive change.
In this case, not trying to earn money makes you your enemy instead of being your best friend.
Did you know that you can be your friend and enemy? Perhaps you were unaware of this fact. Spending time alone can reveal your weaknesses, and allow you to recognize that you are not perfect and have many shortcomings.
It seems that in the past you had a superiority complex. You believed that you were perfect and had no flaws. However, now you have come to understand that your way of speaking and attitude are not ideal. Recognizing these flaws has made you more humble and down-to-earth. You can now compete without feeling the need to assert your superiority over others.
Summary: Spending time alone assists you to find your shortcomings. These flaws tell you that you are not perfect. And then you understand that no one is superior and the superiority complex is just pride. Only a balanced life can give you happiness.
4. Set Your Priority.
Priority refers to the relative importance of things. For example, you may prioritize your health and exercise regularly, or prioritize your family and spend quality time with them.
But the sad reality is, we don’t know which is more important and which is not. We usually attract what we see and we take action on that. Like this, we develop ego, jealousy, superiority complex and even inferiority complex.
Even you can break your trust if you don’t set your priorities.
For example, suppose you love to spend time with your friends and you feel cool when you party and treat others. But you don’t know what are your priorities. You don’t earn but you expend your father’s money. Your friends think you are rich; though you are not. Your family is rich but you are not. The family is prosperous that’s why you never tried to earn money. So, you did not set your priority.
If your priority is not set, you make many common mistakes and you start thinking that you are all in all.
Set your priorities and work on them. When your priorities are set, you understand others’ situations easily and you don’t dare to insult others. You don’t try to belittle others as you know everyone is the same; they all are the sons of almighty god.
Summary: When you set your priorities, you feel light and live happily. You never insult others and you become a humble person. Living a balanced life is the key to true happiness, as a superiority complex can only bring sadness.
5. Know the Ultimate Reality.
Do you know what is the ultimate reality of this universe?
The ultimate reality of this universe of this world is DEATH.
Death is the only inevitable thing. No matter how successful people we are, we all are going to die. No earthly thing is important for the person who dies.
We all have experienced this inevitable situation in our lives and we also know what we feel then.
If you realize how true death is, you will never be suffering from the superiority complex. You will come to know that every minute on this planet is for living not for doing the things that don’t have any meaning.
Summary: The superiority complex is just a thought of the mind, it is not the reality. So, understand the ultimate reality of this life and be free from any shortcomings. Life’s greatest motivation is DEATH.
6. Read the Life stories.
You should read the life stories of the greatest people in the universe, not just the highly successful ones.
Nowadays, wealthy individuals are often referred to as highly successful individuals. However, I do not fully agree with this statement.
To me, successful people are those who have lived their lives fully and have become the inspirations of millions. Most importantly, highly successful people need to be filled with a stream of happiness.
So, if you read the stories of wealthy people, you will be wealthy but your ego may increase. But if you learn about the greatest people, you will be wealthy enough to live a happy and peaceful life as they teach you to conquer your mind.
The choice is yours. Either you can win this whole world or you can win yourself. And you know,
“It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles.” Buddha
So, read the life stories of those people whose presences have changed the history. The people who have sacrificed their whole lives to discover something that can change the whole world.
You can explore the life stories of influential figures such as Jesus Christ, Krishna, Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela, and many others who have impacted the world.
Summary: Discover the inspiring life stories of world-changing individuals in adventurous professions. Their experiences will empower you to realize your true potential and soar to new heights.
Bottom line: I have shared with you my ways which have helped me to conquer the superiority complex to live a happy life.
Now what are your ways to deal with the superiority complex?
Let me know in the comment section.