7 secrets to make someone miss you and love you.
Everybody wishes to be loved. You also want someone to really miss you and genuinely love you. When there is a strong attachment between the two, there is a sense of loneliness without them. As a result, you and the other party miss each other badly.
A long term research on Happiness by Harvard University has proved that close relationships, more than fame or money, are what keep people happy throughout their lives.
You could have noticed that you used to live a happy life when you had good relationships with others. To me, it is hundred per cent true. I always feel mindfulness and happiness as I have good relationships with almost anyone.
I am very fond of making new friends with almost unknown people. It excites me.
The result is that I have genuine friendships and relationships with many who love and respect my opinion on any subject.
But how is it possible for me?
So, here I would love to share my top 7 secrets that would help you make many friends and make someone miss you.
1. Love Yourself First.
Are you astonished at hearing this title?
But this is true. Self-love is the only feeling that lets you love anyone honestly and selflessly.
Without loving yourself first, you could never love anyone wholeheartedly and genuinely. If you want anyone to miss you, love you and like you; self-love is the only key to this.
Treat someone in a way, you would like to be treated.
The feeling of loving yourself sets you free from the bondage of psychological suffering and lets you observe your thoughts. Self-love gives you happiness and develops your understanding power. It changes your attitude towards life and makes your life easy to live.
Eventually, you become your best friend, a friend who is always with you in your well and woe. You become fearless and start to understand the vastness of this human life. You see everything in you and feel you in everything.
And then you find the true meaning of Rumi’s great line
“You are not a drop in the ocean; you are the entire ocean in a drop.”
What does self-love mean?
Does self-love mean loving yourself completely no matter how much wrong you are?
Does it mean just thinking you are right at every judgement and at every point?
Is self-love believing in you that you can do everything irrespective of how much impractical your ideas are?
Self-love is not all of these. It is seeing the reality as it is and accepting yourself as you are. It does mean loving your strength and weakness alike but focusing only on strengths. Self-love makes you realize that you are not an expert in everything.
The sense of loving yourself unites you with your inner self and that of the whole universe. This tells you to admire those who deserve the admiration and to say sorry for your misdeeds without any hesitation.
The failure energies you to accept it as an incident and learn from your mistakes. It would turn over a new leaf in your life.
Only then you could love others for the sake of loving not for any selfish motive.
If you genuinely love someone, they see it in your eyes and activities. You become unforgettable to them.
If you want genuine love from others, then love others genuinely.
This kind of person builds ever-lasting relationships with others that could only be delinked after death.
In A Word: Self-love is the best love. Without knowing and loving yourself first, you could never love others selflessly and wholeheartedly.
2. Try to understand others’ situations:
Don’t judge a book by its cover.
Never criticise one without knowing the truth and his current situation.
Everyone wants someone to understand them in their miseries without being judgemental.
If your friend is unable to get out of his break-up, don’t judge her by telling her it was his or her lover’s fault. Don’t tell them the sweet lie that everything will be alright one day because her present situation is deplorable. Rather it is time to hug her and tell her that I am with you in your well and woe and we will manage this situation together.
There are millions to take your side and support you in your good times but few remain to support you in your misery. Ultimately they become your best friends.
Never be a fair-weather friend or believe in a fair-weather friend but become a friend in need.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
When you truly understand others’ situations without judging them for their deeds, it connects you with others devoutly. We never forget those who helped us to live fully and enjoy it.
When someone helps us to get rid of mental blockages, suffering and other problems, a heart to heart connection develops between the two parties.
While there is a heart connection, there is also heartbreak without having them.
In a Word: You can earn a genuine friendship by helping others in their misfortunes and miseries. It grows a strong attachment between two parties and builds an everlasting relationship.
3. Give others Space.
We truly love them who set us free from any bondage and make our life easy to live.
Each individual has his own identity, dreams, hobbies and thoughts. Our activities always tend to acquire someone for good.
Nobody loves bondage, do you? When we want to be free then why do we bind our love interests?
The sense of losing them lets us tie them too tightly that they are unable to breathe properly.
If you want to build happy and long-lasting relationships then first and foremost give them space, and let them live their lives. Listen to them and respect their opinions and thoughts. Don’t force them to live your defined life. He has his own life, let him enjoy that alone.
Free them from any psychological bondage. Psychological bondage is more powerful than physical bondage. Your beliefs and pre-conceived notions never let you be free from your psychological conflicts.
When you truly free someone from the bondage of your friendship, love relationships and others, they come closer to you. Because they know that only you can give them the ultimate freedom. And everybody loves freedom.
They become happier when setting themselves free from any blockage. Happiness is the most priceless and valuable emotion on this planet.
In a Word: Allow everyone his personal space and let her enjoy life fully. Before imposing the tag you love him or her very much, first let her love herself. You would become her best friend.
4. Give always the Right Advice.
Many people advise you to maintain good friendships no matter if it harms you in the long run. People always tend to say yes to your yes just to keep a friendship without thinking about the outcome of such kinds of decisions.
But the most interesting fact is if you give the right advice in her good times you will become an enemy of her.
Suppose, your friend is in a toxic relationship, you know his partner is not trustworthy but your friend loves him a lot. In this case, if you advise him to stay away from her partner(clearly breaking up with his partner), you might be called an enemy. But later, when he will realize the truth he will be your good friend for good.
Always give the right advice to anyone. You should never advise such things to someone that could boost ego and develop self-centric attitudes.
It’s an offence to advise someone just to please him because it might harm him in the long run. It seems like instant friendship but long-run enmity.
Always tell what is good for others that may seem wrong in the present times but beneficial in the long run and real life.
In a Word: Give always good advice that is good for others. This strengthens your relationship.
5. Help them to solve problems.
We are always afraid of problems. We are stuck on a problem. You stay happy and energetic until problems peep into your life.
Problems make us uneasy, unhappy and fearful. Sometimes, it seems difficult to solve a particular problem. And then you need someone who could give you an exact practical solution to that problem.
Don’t be the free advisor to solve any problem.
People forget what they get but never forget what you make them feel.
6. Be honest within and speak the truth always.
You only know who are you at the deepest level. You can deceive someone but not yourself. Your external activities are just a projection of your internal world of thoughts. You could never be honest with anyone if you are not within.
Honesty is the best policy.
Be honest within and speak always the truth, it will make you more confident and acceptable. But sometimes you can use harmless lies if it is necessary.
Suppose you are a businessman and you run your business with honesty, it helps you to build life-long relationships with your clients and distinguishes you from others. Your honesty and truthfulness are seen through your eyes and you end up making a heart to heart connection with others.
“If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything.”
Mark Twain.
If you tell a lie you have to remember what lies you have told to who. It always alarms you to talk carefully. When you try to cover a lie you have to tell more lies. One day you will hardly find what was true and what was false.
Your falsehood is bound to part you from your near and dear ones as soon as it gets revealed to other parties.
In a Word: Be honest and speak always the truth to live life happily and peacefully. Life has many things to do rather than indulging in some petty problems. If you are true to yourself the world undoubtedly sees it in your eyes.
7. Wish them on important Days.
Do you wake late at night for getting birthday wishes or congratulations on your special occasions?
Don’t you feel happiness and joy after being wished for on your birthday?
I do. I love birthday wishes from my near and dear ones and from those who care for me.
Wishing or congratulating someone on their special occasions makes the person happy as she thinks you are one of the ones who care for her and love genuinely.
If you wish someone on her important days(birthdays, anniversaries. valentines day, friendship day) she remembers you forever and a great relationship is being built between the two.
It usually happens with me. I wish all my friends, family members and even my friend’s families on their birthdays, anniversaries and some special festive occasions.
The result is I am a great favourite of all of them. They love me and care for me. I see their caring attitude towards me whenever I meet them.
I am quick at remembering dates and festive occasions.
Don’t think I do this to impress others. I do this because I love seeing others happy as their happiness makes me happier.
Just apply this special hack to build a great relationship and make someone miss you and love you. But your motive should be honest and pure. If you practice it at once, they may suspect you for your changing behaviour but with time they see your honesty and truthfulness as it makes them happy.
But in this case, you should be consistent(you should wish them every year feeling that it gives you happiness too).
In a word: Congratulates your nearest and dearest and even some little known persons on their special occasions and make them feel the never-ending happiness. This simple trick helps you to make good and healthy relationships with others. It makes others miss you.
Love the others for the sake of loving. Don’t be jealous of others’ fortunes rather congratulates them on their success and admire their actions if it is worth being admired.
Your genuine admiration can change the life of others. Everybody loves to be admired by others for their deeds.
If you make them miss you and love you then first love them genuinely. There are no other ways left for you.