Time Management Tips: 10 tips for managing your time effectively.

Published by Chanpa Pal on

Time management.

Time is priceless. You can earn money with time but you can never earn time with money. Successful people know the value of time and how to manage time effectively. Here I will discuss my top ten time management tips to manage your time effectively.

Life is short. It has limited time to enjoy and do something great in life. It’s necessary to utilize your time in the most creative work rather than wasting it.

Time waits for none.

It is also told you can not touch the same water of a river twice as time passes the water flows and freshwater comes to you.

But the interesting fact is, it is time which makes one both rich and poor. A businessman and a beggar have an equal amount of time but one utilizes it most effectively but others waste it on petty things.

Successful people are good at time management and they actually know the value of time. As a result, they never waste time.

Everybody should know the value of time and develop time management skills.

One can easily complete his tasks if he knows how to manage time in the most effective ways.

What is time management?

Time management means performing all your tasks in your defined time.

Suppose you are a student, you should keep your body and mind healthy and focus on your study. But you always blame that you do not have time for exercise. But if you are good at time management then you could perform this easily.

In a word, managing time means doing all the things that you want to achieve in life within your defined time and being happy.

It means to do things that are important doing for you now and complete those tasks in time.

If your exam is just six days later, studying is more important for you than any other thing.

 Tips for time management:

Here I will discuss my top 10 time management tips that actually work. These tips will help you to manage your time effectively.

Tip 1: Know Your Time is LIMITED.

Do you know why you waste your time?

Because you believe you have enormous time to do something great in life. You think your time is unlimited.

You neglect your study and procrastinating your efforts and plans for success. You don’t exercise regularly and excuse yourself that you do not have enough time to do that.

You do believe that you have a lot of time for your study and physical activities but you should know Your Time is LIMITED. 

You could die today or tomorrow or the next moment, then where is your boundless time? Everything has its limitation. Your life has limited time and you have to achieve all your dreams within this limited time.

If you truly feel the meaning of this statement

My time is LIMITED. I have to do today what I want to do in my life. 

When you know your time is limited and fully feel that, you get a sense of urgency and the importance of doing things in time.

A stitch in times saves nine.

Time waits for no one and you could never get back the lost time. The time that is once gone is gone forever.

Just utter in mind,

My time is limited. I am going to die tomorrow. So what I really want to do in life, I have to do today.

When you know your time is limited and you have a lot of deeds to be done, there is no time to waste but to manage your time properly.


Tip 2: Desire to achieve the greatest goal in life.

Which statement gives you energy and enthusiasm?

Statement 1: I just want to get a job to enjoy my financial security and nothing more important than this.

Statement 2: I want to achieve something which nobody has ever achieved and if someone tries to achieve that then he or she has to work hard and strenuous.

To me, it is the second one.  This statement is emitting energy and enthusiasm and this sounds something grand and different from the mass.

Now, do you have time to waste? No, you can’t because your goal is totally different from others and it is great also. And now you don’t have time to waste because every moment is important.

When you have the greatest goal to achieve in life, you need not manage your time, it happens automatically. Each moment is crucial then to go one step forward towards success.

As soon as you desire to be the greatest achiever in life, your distractions decree and you start knowing the Value of Time.

You have to plant a strong desire of achieving something great and meaningful in life.

Tip 3: Find the meaningful purpose in life.

Goals and purpose are two different things. Goals keep changing but the purpose remains unchanging if you can find out the true purpose of life.

Purpose gives your life meaning and lets you live it fully. Without having a true purpose in life you could never enjoy your life.

The purpose gives you the energy to achieve something great in life happily through smart works. When your purpose is meaningful you will definitely live your life happily and it also spreads happiness among others.

Harbouring a meaningful purpose in life lets you not waste your time.

For further reading: Benefits of knowing your purpose in life. 

Tip 4: Clarity of your life and actions.

Clarity of things gives you confidence and get rid of the fear of the unknown. You can not manage your time properly because you don’t know what actually you want from your life?

When Your goals are not clear, your actions are unorganized and there is no proper plan of action. But when you clearly know what you want to be in life and what actually you want from your life, you become a great time manager.

Now you don’t have time to indulge in pleasure and petty objects because your goal is clear and purpose is meaningful.

Define your goals and purpose,  it helps you manage your time properly. You should have a crystal clear idea of what you want from your life? And only then your time manages it automatically.


Tip 5: Effective Morning Routine. 

Morning shows the day.

Your energetic and effective mood in the morning defines your productivity and time management all day long.

Waking up early helps you to schedule your daily tasks and gives you clarity on what to do first or what is the most important task to do first.

Why morning? Because this time your mind remains calm and focused. It is the best time to contemplate what your daily routine should be.

Scheduling your day in the morning or the last night(if possible) increases your productivity at work. This is a highly beneficial tip. Just start it today.

Warning: Never schedule your day only with works but entertainment. As your mind needs focus, it also needs relaxation. So schedule your day with important works, entertainment(might be for comedy, talking with friends), enough sleep and personal free time(might be for exercise, meditation or sports).

Tip 6: Reduce your Daily Tasks.

You usually try to put all your daily tasks in one day and try your best to complete all of them.

It creates in your mind a sense of fulfilment and you remain happy. But this sense of fulfilment comes to you when you complete all these tasks. But honestly speaking you could never complete all of them but sometimes.

When you fail to perform these tasks, it demotivates you and you refrain from scheduling your day. Your mindset is more important than your actions.

Always reduce your daily tasks into three to four rather than an unexpected goal of doing ten tasks in a day. You should focus on the quality of your work, not quantity.

Identify only the most important tasks to do every day and prioritize them. If four tasks are difficult to perform then do only one or two. But follow your routine.

Doing what you say and think, is one of the keys to success.

Tip 7: Observe your daily tasks at night.

Mistakes are our teachers. If you don’t make mistakes, it is a clear indication that you have never tried something new. But the most important is you should learn from your mistakes.

You can easily progress in your work field if you examine your daily tasks at night. It is super effective. If it is not possible on daily basis, once a week is also helpful.

You can have a diary handy or a journal to note your daily activities. It improves the quality of work and stops you from making the same mistakes again. It saves your time and helps you to manage your time effectively.

It refrains you from procrastination and moves you forward to success.

To make it easy: Keep an eye on your daily tasks and write in your diary four good things you have done today and four things you should have done today but could not do(they are also necessary for your works). And next day, perform the remaining tasks first.

You will easily find a growing attachment to your improvements.

Tip 8: Learn From Everything.

Knowledge is power.

We all are the same but our knowledge differentiates us from one another. Your purpose should be learning from anything and everything and anytime rather than accumulating much wealth.

It is necessary to create a habit of learning from both good and bad. From a great thinker learn how to think creatively and innovatively. From a smoker learn not to be a smoker in your whole life by observing their lifestyles.

If you learn from anything and anytime, you are not wasting your time anymore as your knowledge is growing day by day.

The purpose of education is to gain knowledge.

Frankly speaking, this Universe is a school and if you are a good and sincere student you could learn everything from it.

Learn from everything and reinforce you inside, you will be a successful, happy and highly acceptable person.

Tip 9: Ask questions to yourself.

Questioning is the beginning of intelligence.

When you ask questions you are aware of what is going on in your mind. You are conscious then to find out the solution to a particular problem.

For example: suppose you are not able to manage your time then ask questions

i. Why am I unable to manage my time?

ii. Which things are preventing me from performing my daily tasks?

iii. If my dream is important to me, why am I wasting my time indulging in pleasure?  and so on.

Question everything and wait until the exact answer is coming out. It takes time but once you get the exact answer it changes your thought process.

When you know time is priceless, are you ready to waste this?

Tip 10: Read and Listen to the Successful People:

Why do you want to manage your time? Because you want to be successful in life.

You should read and listen to successful people to know how successful people manage their time. It reduces your effort as it helps you to find time management tips easily.

Learn from highly successful people to whom time is more priceless than money and other material objects. And only then you would realize the exact value of time. When you know the value of time, only then you could utilize your time effectively.



Categories: Success


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