Stress-Free Life: 8 Secrets to Live Without Pressure.

Published by Chanpa Pal on

Enormous happiness defines a stress-free life

Life runs fast when the happy moments come. On the other hand, one moment seems like a year when sorrow enters life. So, living a stress-free life is the solution to all your problems.

Our lives are complicated and we heartily try to make them simple till our death. Everybody wants a simple and problem-free life. An easy life gives enormous happiness and wide exposure to discover the highest possibilities of this human life.

So, the moral of the story is that we all love a relaxed and stress-free life. Living with stress is the most difficult one.

Human life is the best creation of almighty God and we will miss a big chunk of this life if we live under stress. A stress-free life is important to enjoy life fully.

So, if you are conscious of living a happy life, you have to go against the flow of society. Our society shows the hard ways of living and it initiates a complex life.

So, the question could arise in mind,

is it possible to live a stress-free life?

I will not answer yes or no because I would love to explain my ways of living a stress-free life.

It would be your duty to find out the exact answers to your questions.

There are always two reasons behind any problem; one is fundamental and the other is personal. If we talk about the fundamental reasons we get the answers. So here I will focus on the reasons that are the same for all and nobody could deny that.

Table of content.

What is a stress-free life?

The benefits of living a stress-free life?

How to live life without stress?

What is  Stress-free Life?

You need to know the definition of a stressed life before knowing a stress-free life. When life becomes heavy to live or when death seems easy to you than life, your life is stressful.

A stress-free life is when it is filled with happiness and you don’t have time even for dying. You can say to death to come another day because you are busy now.

If life flows like a free river and energies you, you live with zero stress. And that is like living in heaven.

The Benefits of Stress-free Life.

1. You Stay Happy.

Happiness is the ultimate purpose of this human life. Being happy is the reason behind every hard work. The opposite of happiness is stress. You can never stay happy if you are depressed.

Let’s understand what makes us happy and when do we become happy?

Happiness comes when your mind is empty which means it does not have any unnecessary thoughts. If your mind is free from confusion you are happy indeed.

A stress-free life gives you enormous happiness and your mind works fast.

So, it is the most prominent benefit of living a stress-free life because we all want to be happy.

2. You Progress a lot.

You can only progress in life when your life is light to carry. It means if you walk with the baggage of stress, you are going to miss the entire enjoyment of this life.

Progress means growth and growth is life because it reveals the actual potentiality of yourself. Moreover, life starts from there where you are growing every day and every moment.

A happy mind is mandatory to discover the highest possibilities of this human being. Your happy mind instigates you to go ahead in life.

3. Less Work Pressure.

Work-life is the most crucial part of our lives. You stay happy always if you enjoy your work.

It is a fact that most of the time we become stressed because of our jobs. So, it is true that our work-life creates pressure on our lives. And a majority of people suffer from depression because of their work pressure.

But if you once learn to live a stress-free life, you would learn how to manage your work pressure and be happy.

4. Good Relationships.

Happiness is the reflection of our inner emotions. You can only be truly happy if you have peace within. Happiness enters your life when your mind is free from confusion, doubts and obstacles.

Only a happy person can maintain good relationships. So it is necessary to be happy within to make good tuning with others.

The time when you feel that you are free from any kind of tension, or confusion; you focus on building healthy and good relationships.

5. Develop an Interest in Anything.

You can never build interest in anything if you don’t look at that. You can only develop an interest in any topic if you start learning about them. Above all, you become attractive and interesting when you learn many things.

When you are so engrossed in one topic, there is no time to have a look at another. And when your mind is tensed, it rejects every possibility to discover something new.

A heavy mind sees obstacles everywhere and loses interest in anything. The free mind can easily develop an interest in anything and that makes them more acceptable and appealing.

6. Enjoy Life Fully.

An easy and tension-free life is enjoyed fully. So, a depressed mind can never find out the whole picture of this human life. It just focuses on a single dot of a whole picture.

The moment the mind is empty, it is ready to gain something new. A free mind finds opportunities to discover life in a new way. Most importantly, it gradually discovers the highest possibilities of this human being.

And that ends up living life fully.

7. You Become Closer to Nature.

The more you become free, you are attracted to the free things. Nature is the only thing which makes us feel free and happy.

A happy mind sees the openness in nature and tries to adopt them. As a result, your mind becomes closer to nature. Nature gives you the ultimate peace and enormous happiness.

“Nature never did betray the heart that loved her.”

William Wordsworth.


How to Live a Stress-Free Life?

Whenever you focus on the benefits of living a stress-free life and see those worth you, you can not stop following them. But to enjoy the benefits, you need to do hard work.

Hard work or smart work has no alternative.

It becomes difficult to play a game if the rules of a game are unknown. Similarly, if you don’t know how to live without pressure, you could never enjoy the blessings of a happy mind.

So, here I am going to talk about my top 8 Amazing methods that have helped me make my life simple and happy.

1. Survival Issue Solved.

It is a universal truth that you need to survive if you want to live on this planet. You can never enjoy the beauty of life with an empty stomach.

So,  free from your survival issues is your primary duty. You need to work hard to ensure your bread. If you truly want a stress-free life then you have to ensure your food, home and clothes. And they need to be sufficient.

It is your first and foremost duty to have a happy and free life. And to achieve that you need to solve your survival problems in the most efficient ways.

2. No Comparison.

Life is not a complicated one. We make it complicated with comparison. Since childhood, we have been seeing the comparison in everything and everywhere.

Parents compare their children with each other and the boss does the same. Moreover, we end up living our lives according to others.

We always try to be better than others and when we do that we become satisfied. After that, we apply them everywhere.

But the truth is if you want to live a truly simple and yet amazing life then you have to stop comparing with others.

Comparison is good but self-comparison. When you compare yourself, you would have a great opportunity to make your life better.

So, stop comparing but live your life according to your terms and conditions.

In short, set goals higher, achieve them and always remain down to earth. Only a down-to-earth person can enjoy the beauty of humanity and the happiness of human life.

3. Realistic Expectations.

You often hear that to live a happy and amazing life, you need to reduce your expectations to zero.

But can you live a normal life without expectations?

Firstly, you need to understand that expectations should be realistic. 

Realistic expectations mean wishes based on reality which could be fulfilled.

Practical wishes make your life simple and easy to carry. They clear your mind from unwanted thoughts and desires. And your mind becomes happy and peaceful.

If your expectations are factual, you become practical and life becomes easy. The moral of the story is if you want to reduce the load of life then you need to cut down the load of your desires.

4. Change Yourself Instead Of The world.

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.

Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”   — Rumi

We often want to change the world but we forget it all starts with changing ourselves. You can never change the world but yourself.

The world seems imperfect to you and you wish to change that. But the reality is the world is perfect indeed. You don’t need to change it but you need to change your way of looking at it.

Wise are those who focus on changing themselves instead of others. Nobody has ever changed the world until he changed himself. And when they changed themselves, the world follows their ideas and we see a significant change in society.

The moment you concentrate to bring the change in yourself, you start becoming a better version of yourself. You know your weaknesses and focus on your strength then. Your feelings don’t get hurt then but you admit your faults. And gradually you become the happiest person and start living a stress-free life.

5. Stop Satisfying Your Ego.

We usually love to be always right. It hurts if someone proves us wrong. It often happens that you make those enemies who proved you wrong sometimes.

When you can not tolerate others who hurt your feelings, it means you are satisfying your ego. You think you are right and the rest is wrong. You focus on your feelings even if they are wrong.

It feels like someone is hitting you when they show you your weaknesses. Your ego never lets you be happy and enjoy a happy life. And when you stop satisfying your ego, you are open to learning from everything. A mind that is eager to learn is ready to be proven wrong because it wants to gain accurate knowledge.

Only your learning attitude prevents you from satisfying your ego. Once you have the learning mindset, life becomes the book in front of you.

6. Understand The Real Meaning of Life.

As human beings, we must know the real meaning of this life. Name, fame and money are often considered the definition of an ideal life. But since our civilization, there have been millions who achieved those but they are no more today.

So, the ideal life does not mean acquiring a handful of riches but understanding the purpose of this human life.

If you are happy and your mind is truly calm despite the outer problems, it means you understand the real meaning of life.

When you know who are you within, understand the actual purpose of life and conquer every fear of your life, you are living the best life. And only this life can make you truly successful and provide you with enormous happiness.

Happiness is the only purpose of this life.

7. Maintain A Healthy Relationship.

Life becomes easy if you maintain a healthy relationship with almost everyone. Man is a social animal. They feel comfortable with other human beings.

So, good relationships make your life healthy and happy. When you treat others in the way you would like to be treated, you end up making a great relationship with anyone.

Your relationships give you strength to progress in life and they become your support in your miseries.

A healthy relationship fills your life with happiness and happiness makes your life easy to carry.

8. Stay Healthy.

Health is wealth. No matter how much you earn, it all becomes meaningless to your health. If you are not healthy, you can not enjoy your achievements.

So, good health is necessary to live a life without pressure. If you are suffering from a disease, nothing can give you happiness. Even the feeling of having sound health makes you happy and beautiful.

So, at any point in your life, you should not ignore your health. Staying healthy is the most important achievement of your life.

In conclusion, stay healthy and stay happy. Health gives you energy; energy brings you closer to achievement, and achievement completes your life with prosperity. So, health is wealth undoubtedly.

Categories: Happiness

Chanpa Pal

My name is Chanpa Pal. I am a passionate learner. I love to learn new things every moment. Understanding my life is one of my most fascinating hobbies. I write content based on real-life experience. These will also help you to understand your life better. So, have a great and happy life ahead.


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