About us
Hello friends,
My name is Chanpa Pal, the founder of PickSuccess2.
PickSuccess2 is my blog website where I share my learnings and experiences regarding life and help others to understand life minutely and easily.
life is the best gift you have ever got. We all want to be successful but few could do that.
In your life, you may fail at a point where I am ready to help you with my real-life experiences.
Curious to know what is my educational background.
I have been a student of English literature for five years but a great observer of life. And I am interested in psychology.
I observe my life very minutely from every angle. As a result, I am a happy and successful person.
You can only achieve true success and happiness in life with a proper understanding of your body, mind and thoughts.
PickSuccess2 will be a place where you could easily observe your life from every angle. As a result, you will have clarity in life.
I am from Kolkata, West Bengal(India) for those who are curious to know about my birthplace.
Let’s talk about who I am and why you should follow me and my website.
Why should you follow my website?
I have already told you who I am but it is not enough to trust me.
I don’t have any degree in this field but experience.
It is a fact there is no degree course available where someone teaches you what is life and how to understand it to be happy and successful.
Then the only source that remains for you is to learn from those who understood their lives and achieved something extraordinary in life.
Someone has rightly said, you are smart if you learn from your mistakes but you are the smartest if you are learning from the mistakes of others. As it saves your life and gives you more time to understand life.
Now let’s talk about life
How did I change my life from depression and failure to happiness and success?
Here I am going to share with you the most difficult time yet the turning point of my life.
The year is 2015, I took my admission to a college about eighty kilometres from my home.
It was the first time I was a far cry from home, and I had to stay until I completed my course.
I never was a smart girl to cope with the situation within a few weeks. I had to pay for the time and mental strength to settle in a new place.
The result is fantastic and today I am enjoying that.
My life was in death without a companion, friends or relatives. I was scared and unhappy.
The outcome was that I started suffering from depression.
The reasons behind my depression were
- how could I stay here being friendless and being unsmart.
- how could I complete my syllabus?
- what if I fail in my class?
- what if I am unable to make friendships? many more.
These are meaningless now but were the main problems then.
It usually happens when you start thinking negatively, negativity engrosses your mind and your mind prevents entering positive thoughts.
The Effects of Depression on Me
- I lost my appetite.
- I became a negative thinker.
- I could not focus on studying.
- I had no friends.
- I used to stay frightened and tense always.
- I could not score well in class.
This depression makes me its prey and I was a prisoner of it.
I read a lot of books and watched many motivational videos but all ended in smoke giving me instant motivation and permanent depression.
My life started changing when I started observing my thoughts.
The information that I accumulated helped me understand my thought process, but that did not work until I implemented those in my life.
“The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven”
Though my recovery story is short here, it was not as easy as I am telling now.
Instead of negative thoughts, I planted positive thoughts like these
- Though I am ordinary, I can be extraordinary with my effort.
- I am not good at studying but I can be with my hard work.
- I have no friends but I can make more new friends.
I filled my mind with positive thoughts and ideas and became a positive thinker.
In the course of doing these, I became a great observer of my thoughts and life.
Now I am an assistant teacher at a private educational institution by profession but I am passionate about learning how the mind and thoughts work.
Today I can confidently say that I am the happiest and most successful.
‘The person who knows others is intelligent but the person who knows himself better is wise. ‘
Here on the PickSuccess2 blog website, I am sharing my amazing tips to be the successful and happiest person for good.
You can contact me for any problem which you think I could give you any solution to. I would be grateful to help you.
contact me via email: [email protected].