English Literature and Its Major Classification

What is literature?
The definitions of literature varied over time. According to the etymological meaning, the literature includes all the written works. But you must also recognize oral literature as the beginning of all literature was oral.
Literature is the mirror of society. It reflects the society through its literary works. On the other hand, any literary work can also have a great impact on society.
If we see the story of Hamlet, we can see how it reflects society very minutely. On the other hand, if we read or see a movie based on the story Macbeth, it has a great impact on society.
Reading literature benefits you in many ways. Every race has its own identity and its own literature. The literature has a great variety.
The literature written in English is called English Literature.
English literature indicates the literature of England.
What if American writes literature in English?
At that point, it will be called American English Literature. Such as Indian English literature, Australian English Literature, and so on.
Why you should read LITERATURE.
Benefits of having a degree in English literature.
CLASSIFICATION of English literature.
Reading literature pays you off. It helps you to be more productive in your life and also helps you to be cured of loneliness. It is beneficial to you to learn every aspect of human life only by reading.
If you once were in love with literature, you will be a lover of it, the most beautiful lover you will ever have.
5 Reasons Why You Should Read Literature.
1. Reading Literature Makes You Wise and Highly Acceptable.
If you read the literature it will make you wise and of course highly acceptable.
Just think of one situation, you are in a conference room, there are many dignitaries and everyone is delivering a speech but you are attracted by someone who has delivered his speech using figurative language and using some literary quotations.
If it was me then the literary person would be the most charming orator.
If I am not wrong you have also tried your utmost to be the highly acceptable person in this world.
Just try once and make your lecture notes throwing some literary lights on it, I think this definitely will make a difference.
The most important point is, that it does not cost anything. So it costs you nearly nothing using this method at least once.
2. To Understand Life Very Minutely.
It might appear to you a time-waster but literature lets you access and experience the countless emotions and experiences which must take countless time to encounter in your lifetime.
The more you become acquainted with the emotions of others, you will have the capacity to understand your own emotions. The person who understands his emotions very carefully is the person who can handle any situations entangled with emotions when others try to escape from that emotional pain.
You will also have a great opportunity to learn the different kinds of feelings and emotions even their application in life. You can learn what in one year of reading literature, is impossible to learn in a year encountering them in real life.
Among all the novels that I read, written in a romantic genre I personally like PRIDE AND PREJUDICE a lot. It is also called a psychological novel.
If you once start reading this, nothing lets you distract from this till the do-or-die situation does not come. It is the most beautiful novel I have ever read in the romantic genre. Even whenever I get an opportunity to waste my time, I sit with a book covered with PRIDE AND PREJUDICE.
The characters seem to walk in front of you and even you are matching your feelings with them. This seems so much more realistic. It also inspired the film producer to make a film on it.
3 . To Keep You Aloof From Loneliness.
Once I read this line, “Read as much as books, that never let you feel lonely”. I strongly believe in this formula.
Literature gives you a place to express your loneliness, it could be through poems or fiction or non-fiction.
You will also see the different reactions to loneliness. Some writers yield themselves in loneliness and some use the forlorn as the fuel to speed up their life up.
If we see the story of G.B. Shaw then you will find out the proof of the foregoing statement.
4. Opens a Door to the Palace of Creativity.
Literature opens a path to creativity, inspiration, and motivation. It helps you to be more creative. Even you get acquainted with the instant and lifetime inspirations with reading literature.
Most successful and creative people have the beautiful habit of reading books that have brought them here what they are today.
Honestly speaking, whenever I feel depressed I read the life story of Dr A.P.J Abdul Kalam and Abraham Lincoln. Their life stories bring me into their situations and I gradually understand that their journey was much more difficult than mine. And I also think that if they can beat all their difficulties and can be the inspiration of millions then why am I not?
This question gives me a kick in life and shows motivation for me.
Learning about Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama and Ellen DeGeneres helped me to make more and more effort to achieve the highest success. It also helps you to be patient and persevere.
As Elon Musk uttered, “Patient is the great virtue and I am trying to acquire this.”
5. Acquainted With Different Cultures and Country
Every country has its literature. If you read literature makes you acquainted with different countries’ lifestyles, cultures, traditions, history, and geography which may be impossible for you to know when travelling the whole world in your lifetime.
The moral of the story, you cannot travel the whole world and the psychological world of a particular region but Literature does provide that to you.
In this case, only literature can quench your thirst for knowledge of different civilizations and countries. It also increases your confidence level when you are travelling to a place whose history is at your fingertips. In a word, it makes every foreign trip sweet and red-letter.
Knowledge is power. The more you know it helps you to grow and learn more. It builds your personality and personality changes your life. So be the learner and the good reader always in your life.
It is said, “The writer is foremost a good reader and the speaker is foremost a good listener.”
Benefits of Having A Degree In English Literature
Reading English Literature and having a degree in it opens a new path in your career. It opens a lot of career paths in front of you if your eyes are open.
Remember, English is the language of the internet and the language of science.
5 life-saving Career paths you Can pursue through an English Literature degree.
Pursuing an English literature degree can be beneficial to you in a million ways if you use it to its level.
1. Most Commonly Spoken Languages.
English is one of the most commonly spoken languages. It’s the second most globally spoken language. In India, English is taught from when an Indian infant starts reading their mother tongue.
It helps you to be comfortable in any place. Spoken English enhances your confidence level and creates the path to getting jobs.
I am tired of hearing people say before entering an interview room, I am scared to death if I make any mistake in spoken English.
2. Language of Internet and Science
English is the language of the World Wide Web. So it will be very beneficial for an English literature student to acquire any kind of knowledge from the internet easily as most of the articles are written in English. Though Google Translator is ready to make the internet language your mother tongue but it’s not accurate hundred per cent.
When you are desperate enough not to believe in traditions and superstitions, you show your logic based on science. The language of Science and Medicine is also English.
So if you are eager to know any kind of scientific theory you can easily read them on the internet as you can grasp the meaning of it.
3. Start Your Blog
We all want to be settled in life. Off late, blogging in on the trending position. Some multi-millionaire bloggers earn millions of dollars doing blogging.
The language of the internet is English and you can also start your blog. The subject could be anything.
You can also help the other students worldwide who study literature. Even you can help other companies who have a great reputation but don’t have any efficient person to do their best for the company. You can leverage this by being a guest blogger or a ghost blogger.
Learning literature and using it in your blog makes your content beautiful, and attractive.
In every field, it will be beneficial to have a degree in English literature if you are open-minded enough.
4. Work in Media House Company
We all hear the news every day to know the recent updates of the incidents. As English is the second most widely spoken language, every country is trying to transform or make their media house company in the English language.
So it will be profitable to you if English is your second or third language and you are really good at it to work with a media house company.
You can create unique content using literary notes and be in the good eye of your boss. The owner of any kind of company keeps their eyes on such employees who are important to the company.
Just think you are the best content writer so you are an indispensable asset for that particular company.
5. Create Your Eternal Literary Copy.
Here is something extraordinary things are going to be told. If you have a great interest in English literature you can also create your literary piece which could be the most important thing you have ever done because with time the more it will be read your aroma will be distributed among all.
As we talk about English literature, Shakespeare is part and parcel of it. You can’t think of English literature without hearing or reading Shakespearean texts like Dante for Italian literature.
Even now we all want to read Harry Potter, the highly famous fictional novel all the time.
If you can create your literary watermark will give you joy enormous and high respect.
Classification of literature
Literature has mainly four sections. These sections are called genres in literature.
What is genre? First, let’s understand.
Have you ever been told by one of your friends to go to a movie theatre?
If you are called then I am sure you have asked your friend what kind of movie both are going to watch.
Your friend might have answered like this, it’s a romantic movie or a horror or adventurous or autobiographical.
Romantic horror and autobiographical are all three genres.
Literature is filled with written works. To identify all the literary works easily, it is necessary to be classified.
There are four main literary genres.
1. Poetry
2. Drama
3. Fiction
4. Non-Fiction.