Self-Confidence: 9 Tips to Build Self-Confidence for good.

Published by Chanpa Pal on

Build self confidence


How to build self-confidence? It is the question that you should ask yourself to find out ways to develop your self-confidence. Questioning is the beginning of all discoveries.

Self-confidence is the inner strength that creates a winning spirit. It is an attitude about your skills and abilities. It means you know yourself well than anyone else. You have complete control over your life. You have a great power of understanding and can easily handle success and criticism.

You have always a positive approach to life and your goals are realistic. You understand your mind well and you are clear about your purposes in life.

A confident person is ready to accept challenges because he knows how to grow. Confidence helps you to be successful and promises you a happy life.

On the other hand, low self-confidence might make you full of self-doubt and fear of the unknown. You may suffer from an inferiority complex and may be afraid of facing challenges.

You might feel confident in some fields but depending on the situation. You are sensitive to success and criticism. You may feel confident with your friends but without them, you seem to be miserable.

Nobody ever loves to be low self-confident. Everyone struggles to be more confident and happier.

Self-confidence helps you to make the right decisions and enjoy life fully. A self-confident person looks attractive.

So it is necessary to be more confident now to observe and discover life’s amazing secrets.

So come with me. Here I will discuss 9(nine) interesting tips that would help you to be more confident, courageous and successful for good.

 Gain more Knowledge.

Knowledge is power.

Knowledge is the most powerful weapon that can defeat almost anything.

It is the knowledge of a businessman regarding his business that makes him confident.

It is the information about city life that makes them confident villagers.

Have you ever thought about how one becomes confident?

It is when he talks about something which he knows thoroughly. If you have been exercising for three years,  you would be confident for beginners.

Similarly, when you acquire complete knowledge regarding your career, you feel confident.

If you wish to be more confident, then gain knowledge regarding that particular field.

The more you know, it enhances your hunger for learning. And the person who has a learning attitude is ready to know anything. Your knowledge and practical experience strengthen your self-confidence.

Implement your Ideas.

You are not going to be confident if you are learning only but not implementing them.

For example, if I learn from youtube how to develop communication skills? Will I be able to communicate confidently with any client?

No. Because I don’t have practical experience. As a result, I am not a confident communicator.

Your learning could not give you satisfactory results until you practice them.

When you implement your ideas, you make mistakes. You learn from your mistakes. As a consequence, you would have practical knowledge that creates a base of self-confidence.

You might be a great content writer in your dreams.  But you see how expert you are when you write content that people read and like. When you will do it practically, you will face many problems and challenges.

And after surpassing all these challenges, you become a self-confident content writer. Because now you have not only theoretical knowledge but practical knowledge also.

If possible then try to implement your ideas into reality. You might be a failure but the lessons make you more wise and confident.

Achieve Mastery.

Why a cricketer is confident about his game? Because he has achieved mastery of his game. He is an expert on his game.

The mind is the most powerful instrument you have ever had. A successful person becomes more successful as his winning mindset lets him be a great achiever.

Similarly, when you achieve mastery in one work field, your mind motivates you to perform more challenging tasks.

Now your mind starts believing that you can perform any task if you wish to do it. It is the mind that motivates someone to be great and demotivates someone not to be great.

Don’t you know what Milton says?

“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.”

Your mind just needs an example to set in. Once your mind starts believing, ‘yes, I can’, there is none who could stop you.

When you have an unshakeable faith in yourself, you are the most confident person.

Just work hard and achieve mastery in one field(it might be your hobbies or pastimes) and you would see in wonder how your mind changes your attitude.

Attitude is Everything.

All you need is a belief in yourself that you can do, then the rest is magical.

Be Truthful Within.

Truth always wins.

Nothing is more powerful than the truth. Your truthfulness makes you a god in humans. Your honesty makes your life peaceful and happiest.

An honest person is the most powerful person because he is strong within. His mind and mouth speak the same.

The more truthful you are, the more powerful you are.

A dishonest person can acquire all worldly riches but fail to acquire happiness and peace.

A life without happiness is not a life at all, isn’t it?

When you are truthful within and do everything by honest means, you become more confident. Now you can easily differentiate yourself from others.

And when you know you are different from others, you become confident.

Be a Great Listener.

A good reader and great speaker is first and foremost a sound listener. We all tend to speak and prove our point of view. We fail to be good listeners.

But when you listen carefully, you understand others easily. Even you can grasp their depth of knowledge and can easily build self-confidence.

Few are good listeners and when you are one of them, you are a confident person.

Be a great listener and speak only when speaking is more important than remaining silent.

 Try New Things.

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow

Learn as if you were to live forever.”

Mahatma Gandhi.


Learning is the only way that gives you happiness and success. You should try new things to develop your confidence. Here you need to draw a line between your profession and passion.

A profession is a job that you do for financial support, but passion is the work that you do out of joy. Money is not necessary there.

For example, you are a web developer by profession but you love dancing or singing.  You can dance for hours and hours without expecting anything. But if you want to earn money from your passion also, that is a different game altogether.

Find out your hobbies and identify them. Pick up more new hobbies and grow in life happily and intelligently.  But you should not compromise with your professional life to pursue your hobbies because it assists you in nourishing different hobbies.

Enjoy life completely and try everything that you wish to do. Life is not just running in one direction no matter whether you are happy or not. Life is all about creating a balance of everything.

When you try new things, your mind thinks differently and it gets opened. An open mind is always ready to learn and think creatively and quickly. And then you become a quick learner.

As you try new things your mind explores more to learn and your way of thinking expands.  You start seeing opportunities in everything and there is no fear for you. And when you are fearless, you are a confident person.

Now, you know the actual meaning of learning. When learning becomes your habit, you become more confident and your success is sure.

Create Your Path.

You become more confident when you stop following the mass and create your path.

When you choose a new career path, you fail and fail. After numerous failures, you learn numerous lessons. You learn the lesson to be successful and your experience helps others to be motivated.

Whenever you follow your path and achieve success in that field, your confidence level increases. And you easily build your self-confidence.


As there is no fear of the unknown because you are in love with the unknown. You are not afraid of failing because you know how to rise. You no longer nourish unrealistic desires as you know how to live practically.

Sometimes it’s not possible to create their career paths.  But in that case, if you can perform your existing job in a completely new manner, you will notice a significant change in your mood and confidence.

 Understand the Actual Meaning of life.

Life is short but if it is lived intelligently, one life is enough. We are not confident in our lives because we have not defined our lives. We have ever given us time to know what is the actual meaning of life and what we want from life?

Questioning is the beginning of Intelligence.

When you are eager to know the actual meaning of life then question it. As a result, you will get answers to all your questions and with questioning, you can define your life properly.

If your life is well defined, you are confident. You know now what to start when to start, where to start and most importantly where to stop in life. You are acquainted with the actual value of things and people in life then.

If you know the real purpose of life, there is no fear, no greed, no jealousy but confidence, happiness and freedom.

Accept as you are.

You are unique. You are more than what you think. Accept yourself as you are.  Love yourself in the way you wish to be loved by others.

If you are not in love with yourself and satisfied with your own life,  you will be miserable with others.

This stops your path. Just accept all your drawbacks and strengths but focus on strengths and make them your habits.

What you think, you become.

Thoughts become things.

If you accept yourself and love yourself completely and think you are good you will be that. If you think you are confident, your mind will explore numerous paths which could help you to be a more confident and highly acceptable person.


Conclusion: Life is a game where everybody is trying to be more confident, happier and peaceful. Self-confidence is necessary to live a happy, successful and peaceful life. Life is packed with mysteries and secrets. You can only discover the biggest secrets of this life if you are confident enough to take risks.

Without being uncomfortable, you could never find the actual reasons for a comfortable and peaceful life. Enhance your knowledge, learn every moment and make yourself a self-confident person.


Categories: Success

Chanpa Pal

My name is Chanpa Pal. I am a passionate learner. I love to learn new things every moment. Understanding my life is one of my most fascinating hobbies. I write content based on real-life experience. These will also help you to understand your life better. So, have a great and happy life ahead.


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