Deal With Negative Thoughts: 10 Ways to Manage Your Thoughts.

As the mind is more potent than the body. Similarly, our thoughts have immense power. Thoughts become things. What you think, you become that. Positive thoughts can change the world; similarly, negative thoughts can ruin your life and snatch your happiness from life.
Every reality was just thought first. For example, hundred years ago, people thought it impossible to talk with someone far away. At that time, someone thought of a possible way to make communication far cry.
Now, we know we all are contacting our near and dear ones through mobile phones or the internet. So, the mobile phone was thought at that time; now this is the damn reality.
Thoughts can change the lives of many. So, think big and do something special in life.
The Table Of Contents.
What are negative thoughts?
Positive thoughts vs Negative thoughts.
Why negative thoughts?
How to deal with negative thoughts?
What are negative thoughts?
Negative thoughts are seeing everything is against you. Life is not the same for everyone. Some think it is the most enjoyable and peaceful journey. On the other hand, some think of it as a road of thrones.
Indeed, life is not a bed of roses because problems and confusion are always there. But it is not a bed of thrones because there are joys and happiness in this way.
Negative thinking means seeing life as a burden and heavy to live. Negative thoughts are distressing and horrifying. They often make one fearful.
Pessimistic thoughts make you feel helpless and hopeless. These thoughts have the power to make you a mentally challenged person.
But it is important to remember that you are not one. Everyone experiences negative thoughts at some point in their lives. So, don’t be tense about negative thoughts as there are some practical solutions to these.
Positive Thoughts VS Negative Thoughts.
As there are negative thoughts there must be positive thoughts. The thoughts are negative in comparison to the positive review.
Here you need to understand what is positive thought. Some may think positive thinking means thinking that everything that happens, happens for good. In reality, optimistic thinking implies that no matter how bad your situation is, you have the power to tackle the situation.
An optimistic thinker thinks that he can solve the problems of his life. But the pessimistic thinker thinks he can not solve his problem. Life seems like a game to positive people. So, they take it easy and accept their problems as a part of the game.
The negative people think their lives are worse than the previous ones and they are going to be worst. They don’t have any power to control it. So, they think there are going to appear in a war in life.
A positive person sees in the long run but the negative person sees temporarily and becomes depressed.
Positive thoughts have the power to change the reality of this universe and negative thoughts can make you mentally challenged.
In a word, thoughts should be optimistic as thoughts become things. What you think you become. So, why don’t you think positively and make your life filled with positivity?
You should never be pessimistic in life as they can ruin your life and detach you from living this heavenly blessed human life.
So, think positive and be positive. When positivity occupies your brain, there has hardly room for negative thoughts. So, you end up being a positive person.
Why Negative Thoughts?
We usually hear that negative thoughts engross our minds, but how this negativity comes into our minds? Our childhood days were filled with happiness, peace and positive thoughts. There was no room for negative thoughts. Every day was new and refreshing like nature.
It means negative thoughts came into our minds after spending our heavenly blessed childhood days. But why negative thoughts came into? Why not positive thoughts?
i. Negative Environment.
The environment is not a single thing; it is the collection of people and their thoughts. As a child learn his mother tongue after listening to his mother. Similarly, a child adopts the thoughts and habits of the environment.
The brain of a child is like clay. You can make anything out of it. As a result, they learn what they listen to.
Since my childhood, I have been listening to my elders that living a life is very difficult. You can never be happy in life. The result is that I have been thinking that life is a hardship. It is impossible to be happy in life.
So, do whatever you are advised to do to live this life. This negative environment has made our lives negative.
ii. Detachment From Nature.
Nature means the greenery and god-created environment which are indispensable for living. So, natural intelligence is the root cause of everything.
Nature is always open and it always talks about freedom and life. It never binds you rather it shows you how to be free from any bondage.
In nature, we usually see that everything is happening automatically. Any external force is unnecessary there.
So, if you stay close to nature, your mind gets space and enjoys freedom. Then you start living on the minimum requirements. You feel happy as you don’t need a lot to survive. If you are less attached towards worldly goods, you are possibly more happier and positive.
But the sad reality is that now we are entirely detached from Nature which lets our minds be filled with garbage and make us depressed.
iii. The Craziness to Change the World.
Our access to the whole world often makes us pessimistic. With the help of social media, you are now acquainted with almost all the news of the world if you wish. You also know the success stories of all the highly successful people.
You often get motivated by their stories and you think that you can also do like them. Honestly speaking, it is not a problem at all. But they sometimes create am immense pressure on your brain.
You think then that you can change the reality of this world. This craziness of changing the world often makes you depressed and distressed.
iv. Competition and Comparison.
Competition and comparison are the most horrifying enemies you have ever met. We know that every child is special. You always try to make your child like others.
Your wish to see your child succeed makes you also depressed. You start comparing your child with others and make them remind that how much he does not know. The competition starts among them. As there is competition, there is the fear of failure.
This fear of failure makes them more pessimistic and their lives go through a narrow tunnel. They become deprived of enjoying a big chunk of this life.
This comparison has created our lives more depressing and negative.
v. We Think Life is Permanent.
Nobody wishes to die. Everyone thinks life is permanent. This thought creates all kinds of negativity. How can you be negative if you know you are going to die?
Suppose, you failed in some subject and you are thinking you are unable to do anything. But what happens if you think, life is going to end? So live as much as possible.
Negativity only can engross you if you know that you are immortal. Our elders teach us that you have to be successful so that your life can be easy to live. There is no wrong with this thought. But there is also a reality that life can be ended at any point in time.
vi. Unhealthy Life Style.
Our bodies and minds are interconnected. If your body is not fit, it will have an impact on your mind also and vice versa. But now we are living an unhealthy lifestyle; there is no attention towards our foods, exercise, thoughts and quality sleep.
We are intaking the wrong foods and rushing towards something which takes us nowhere. We are indulging in social media, more money-making and compromising our sleep.
Our bodies are not happy with unhealthy food and our minds are not happy with harmful thoughts. As the body and mind are not working properly, there is supposed to be depression and negativity.
vii. You Are Egoistic.
Don’t take this word seriously. Here I am trying to convey my thought that you are egoistic because you are not grateful for whatever you have.
You have a healthy body, enough food, home and clothes to live; but till now you are complaining to god. You are negative and melancholic in your life because you are not grateful for what you have.
How To Deal With Negative Thoughts.
Negative thoughts can be overwhelming and depressing. They can interfere with our daily lives and make us feel worthless and hopeless. However, you should keep in mind that everyone experiences negative thoughts at some point in their lives.
But the good news is that some different practical ways and techniques can help you to deal with negative thoughts and guide you to positive thinking and negative thoughts.
In this blog post, I am going to share the different techniques for managing melancholic thoughts and cultivating cheerful thoughts.
1. Accept Your Negative Thoughts.
The first step in dealing with negative thoughts is to accept them. As a result, now you have a chance to deal with them. If you ignore them, you will not have to think about them.
It is important to understand that trying to ignore negative thoughts often makes them strong and lasting. But when you acknowledge them, you can feel distant from the negative thoughts. They will be less effective for you.
2. See Your Negative Thoughts.
Seeing your thoughts means understanding the roots of these thoughts. You need to ask yourself whether they are based on a fact or an opinion.
Suppose, you are afraid of losing your job. Now you have to see why are you afraid of it. What are the reasons? It may be like the technology is improving and you are unable to upgrade yourself. That’s why you are stressed as you are dependent on this job.
So, you have seen the roots of your thoughts and they are based on the fact. Now, if you want to be free from them, then either upgrade your skills or go for something for your expertise.
So, what have you seen? Now your reasons are clear and you have many ways to be free from these negative thoughts. Instead of thinking I can not do this rather think if I try I can do this; it may take time but I will do this.
3. Stay Physically Active.
Your body is the tool which is necessary to do anything you want in this life. Your physical illness can cause mental illness and depression.
To stay physically active you need to focus on two things; regular exercise and a healthy diet. Ayurveda(the Indian way of healing illness) says that food is medicine. If you take the right kind of food they work as medicine and keep you away from illness.
Regular exercise can be a powerful tool for reducing stress and anxiety and improving your mental health. Study says, exercise releases endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals which can help you boost your mood and reduce feelings of negativity.
Aim for at least 25-30 minutes of physical activity each day to stay positive. You can choose the activities that you enjoy most to derive the most of their benefits.
The moral of the story is to maintain a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein to stay fit and strong.
4. Cultivate Good Thoughts.
Daily physical activity and a healthy diet are necessary for reducing stress. Similarly, good thoughts are necessary to maintain mental health. Meditation is one of the best practices for relieving negative thoughts.
Thinking positively and good for others can have a great impact on your mental health. If you see good in everything, your mind will start seeing the positive.
Positivity is a habit. If you make it a daily habit, negativity will not be able to occupy your mind. So think good, think positive and be positive.
5. Get Enough Sleep.
You can not deny the fact that sleep plays the most important role in making you healthy. Lack of sleep can contribute to feelings of stress, anxiety and depression while quality sleep is needed to feel good.
Enough sleep gives you the power to work all day long without any tiredness. Sleep is the place where your brain formats itself to be anew. If you don’t format your brain, it would be hanged and that will increase your negative thoughts and depression.
Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to lower your pressure and pessimistic thoughts.
6. Practice Gratitude.
Gratitude means being thankful for what you have today with you. It contributes to your feeling that you are blessed and that you have the things that majority of the people don’t have.
Focusing on the things you are grateful for can help you lessen street, anxiety and boosts feelings of happiness and well-being. So, start your day by writing down three things you are grateful for and reflect on those things throughout the day.
You will see a significant change in your mood and thought. There would be more happiness and enjoyment in your life.
7. Listen to Inspiring Stories.
Stories have the power to change the world. The inspiring stories of others can be a great source of your mental well-being. They can transform your negative thoughts into positive ones.
When you listen to other’s stories, you see how they struggled and went through so many negative thoughts to be successful in life. These will tell you that if they can do that then you can’t.
Their stories can be the turning point of your life and you can write your own story to inspire millions.
Listen to the stories of Swami Vivekananda, APJ Abdul Kalam, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk and so many others. You will be amazed how they came out with so much negativity and now they are the missile for others.
8. Surround Yourself With Positive People.
Your surrounding has a great impact on your life. You are a collection of the five people you spend most of your time with. So, seek out positive and supportive friends and family members who uplift you and encourage you.
It is not possible that you will be circled with positive people. In that case, avoid spending time with negative people who bring you down. They can increase your stress and negativity.
9. Spend Quality Time With Yourself.
You are your best friend. So, spend quality time with yourself. If you can do that, you will be able to understand your thoughts easily. You will have full control of yourself. Now you start living in the present moment.
You pay attention to thoughts, feelings and sensations without any judgement. You become your best friend now. By focusing on the present moment, you can reduce stress, and anxiety and improve mental clarity.
10. Seek Support.
Finding support can also help deal with negative thoughts. Talking to a trusted friend or family member can help you process your thoughts. You can talk to a mental health professional to gain new perspectives. The new perspectives can change your old thoughts.
Support can also help you develop a sense of community and reduce the sense of isolation, which can be valuable contributors to negative thoughts.
So, if your negativity seems impossible to handle, reach out for support as they are very helpful in managing your depression and the negative feeling.
In conclusion, dealing with negative thoughts and managing depression can be challenging but with the right tools and practices, you can tackle this. Nothing is impossible on this planet. So, if you want to remove your negative thoughts, millions of ways are there to help you.
So, what are your ways of dealing with negative thoughts? Tell me in the comment section.