How to find your purpose in life.

Have you ever asked yourself why are you restless or unhappy or trapped in everyday problems? The only answer to the question is that you don’t have any clear purpose in life. If you had a clear purpose in life you would not have indulged in daily problems. Have you ever tried to find your purpose in life?
But what if you do not know the purpose in life?
Don’t be worried, I am here to show you the right path which lets you know the true purpose in life.
Living a purposeful life gives you happiness, peace and success. It is essential to all to know their purpose in life.
You are going to miss a big chunk of your life if you are unaware of your purpose in life. The fact of knowing your true purpose in life itself develops the emotional intelligence in you.
The purpose is not temporal but a life-long process. It is mandatory to identify your purpose in life to enjoy life to the fullest and creatively.
7 things to do to find your purpose in life.
It is necessary to find out your purpose in life to enjoy every moment of your life. Finding your purpose in life is easy if you follow the right path or accumulate the right kind of information.
Here are 7 things to practice if you are finding out the purpose in life.
1. Know the Book of Your Life.
What does a book contain?
A history book contains historical events and stories. Similarly, a life book contains all the occurrences of your life. It contains everything that you have experienced and seen in your lifetime.
The people who have found out their purposes in life are self-known persons. They read their life books very carefully and attentively.
How to read and understand your life book?
To read the book of your life you should be aware of the following activities,
A. What do you love doing?
Love conquers all.
If you love doing something it becomes effortless. It is difficult for a painter to be an engineer. But if the painter has any kind of interest in engineering that’s a different game altogether.
When you do the things you love, time becomes faster and you feel happy. Happiness reduces your stress and sets your mind free. A free mind is always ready to see what is the most important thing in your life.
B. What are your hobbies?
Your hobbies give you relaxation. It lets your mind be engaged in something else and discover something new. If you want to read your book of life, it is important to know your hobbies.
C. Your likings and dislikings.
If I ask you about your likings and disliking, most of you will go blank.
Why? Because you have never tried to understand deeply which things you like and which you don’t.
But if you know your likes and dislikes clearly, you can easily refrain from the things that bother you and can happily choose the things that attract you a lot.
D. Your connection with others.
The research found that the happiest person had good tuning with others. They developed great relationships around them.
Your connection with others shows who is eligible to be a friend of yours. How easily you can build a connection with anyone tells more of you.
E. How do you react to different situations?
What are your reactions to the success, failures, happiness, depression, kindness speak a lot about you? If you can take anything life throws at you with your calmness and intelligence, it ends up helping you find your true purpose in life.
2. Spend Time Alone.
Instead of burying yourself into your phone, you should take out some time to spend alone. Spending time alone means when you are alone with yourself neither with a book, gadgets, phone, or person.
When you spend time alone you focus more on your thoughts and try to understand your thoughts. If you want to know the purpose of your life it is essential to spend time alone.
Your purpose can only be discovered by you. Nobody could do this for you.
Try to spend time alone with your thoughts at least five minutes every day. If you can do this little job, you will see significant changes in your thoughts and desires.
3. Habit of Questioning.
Questioning is the beginning of intelligence.
Whatever you want to find out just question it. If you have a desire to live a successful life then question how to be successful in life? Just stick to your question until the right answer is coming out.
If you adhere to anything, you get the answer.
The habit of questioning clarifies your thoughts and shows you every possible way to find out your purpose in life.
4. Read Good Books.
Every successful person has one trait in common, they read a lot.
They understand the power of learning and being a student for good. It makes them simple as simplicity requires a great deal of intelligence.
Reading good books means reading books which let their mind think something outside the box. They spend time alone with the thought which they have just read.
The habit of reading good books develops your intelligence and makes you smart. It also increases your problem-solving skill and makes your life super easy. Life is hard when you are in confusion and there is a choice to be taken. When there is a choice, there is conflict. Your problem creates conflict in your mind.
Good books are the creations of great writers. They have poured their hearts and souls to make this happen. You can learn many things in no time which might have required your whole life.
Not only books but you can also watch their videos and listen to their audios or read their articles available on the internet.
All you need is just interest in reading them and a keenness to discover the highest possibilities of this Human Being.
5. Cultivate Good Thoughts.
As a man thinks in his heart so is he.
Did you not notice why a successful person becomes more successful with time? Because he cultivates good thoughts in his mind. His previous successful actions and confidence strengthen his successful attitude and he ends up becoming more successful.
It is the thought process that draws a line of distinction between a successful person and a failure.
Cultivating good thoughts and nurturing them emerges the happy feeling. A happy mind could contemplate any problem and find out the answers to it.
6. Build Healthy Habits.
You should always adopt the habits which keep your body and mind healthy. Physical health should never be ignored at any cost. A healthy mind resides in a healthy body.
Don’t you know that when the body is perfectly healthy, there is a certain joy and well-being; don’t you know when the mind is completely free, you experience a certain joy without any block?
With your healthy habits, your mind would become peaceful. Now you are ready to find out the answer to any question.
7. Observe Your Thoughts.
Thoughts become things.
What you think you become.
A person could change the reality of the whole world with his thoughts.
Before the telephone was being invented, people never thought of the possibility of having a talk with each other from far cry. But Alexander Graham Bell put a question mark on reality and changed the reality of the world with his illusion.
It is your thought that creates fear and restlessness in you. You are sad because of your unwanted thoughts. You are happy because you cultivate good thoughts in your mind.