10 secrets to living a happy life now

Published by Chanpa Pal on

how to live a happy life


Happiness is the most priceless emotion in the world. The meaning of happiness can differ from person to person. But it is possible to be happy alone.

Your achievements might be an object of happiness for you or spending quality time with your friends and family or being financially independent on your terms.

Is it possible to be happy in life always? Of course, it is possible.

You should always keep in mind that happiness is not a destination but a continuous process to reaching this again and again.

Happiness is a feel-good sensation that we get every day. It is a mental state where you are free and happy.

Being happy in life does not mean avoiding sadness and negativity. It is all about embracing negative feelings and realities. Happiness usually comes when you spread happiness to others and cultivate good thoughts in your mind.

Greater happiness is the output of how many good deeds you have done to yourself and others.

Happiness exists in every moment of your life. Good habits and right thinking are essential in the way of living a life with happiness.

How To Be Happy.

A human body has mainly two parts:  the Body(the physical body) and the Mind(the thoughts).

So if we want to be happy, we have to work in these two fields alike. One should not be underestimated and the other overestimated.

It is not possible that you would be happy overnight, but here are 10 things that you can practice to discover the secrets of being happy alone with your life.

In your body, you can practice

  1. Exercise.
  2. Quality sleep.
  3. Healthy food.

In your mind, you may practice

4. Meditation.

5. Be grateful.

6. Work for success.

7. Live with a goal every moment.

8. Talk with friends

9. Choose your career path.

10. The habit of understanding your thoughts.

1. Exercise

Exercise helps your body to be healthy and strong and reduces stress, anxiety, and negative emotions. A small amount of exercise daily or regularly increases your brain functions.

Exercise causes your brain to increase the production of the endorphins hormone, which helps to increase positive feelings and reduce the perception of pain.

Doing ten minutes of daily exercise benefits you to have a significant change in mood.

It does not matter how long you exercise but how regular you are. You can refrain from investing more in your health insurance policy by having a daily workout session.

Exercise brings a significant change to people suffering from anxiety and makes them alert about their mental state.

Psychologists say that a small portion of daily exercise helps you to be free from any kind of addiction.

At the end of the workout, you feel happy and peaceful. It causes you to smile and a smile causes the brain to release dopamine, which makes us happier.

Exercise has manifold benefits. You are not able to enjoy the happiness of doing a workout until you are done.

Summary: Doing exercise every day helps you to be healthy and causes the brain to release the feel-good hormones which make us happier. It helps us to be free from anxiety, negativity and addiction.

2. Quality Sleep

To be a swimmer, you have to hold your breath. To be more active and productive, you are in want of quality sleep. Sleep is as necessary as waking up.  You need to create a balance between these two.

One study found that people who had not slept well have a reduced ability to recognize the expressions of anger, love and happiness.

It does not matter how much you sleep but how sound your sleep is. A quality sleep rests your restless mind. As a result, your mind can make the right decision at any moment.

A calm mind develops the understanding power in you and makes you recognize your feelings of anger, love, happiness and loneliness.

There are many sleep guidelines to follow but it depends on how your body reacts to different sleep cycles.

You should take at least six to seven hours of sleep excluding an infant or baby. But it is totally up to you.

It is okay to have a short nap during the daytime if you feel drowsy. A short nap increases your productivity at work.

Summary: Quality sleep benefits your manifold. It has a great impact on mental health. Quality sleep has an increased ability to recognize the expression of anger, love and happiness.

3.  Healthy Food

‘Foods are medicine’.


You are ‘what you eat and how you eat.’

If you eat healthy foods you will have a healthy body. A healthy body has a direct connection to a healthy mind.

Someone has rightly said, the healthiest person is the happiest person. You can never be happy if you are ill. The most interesting fact is that feeling of having a healthy body gives you happiness and joy.

In modern times, indulging in unhealthy junk foods creates diseases and continuously developing feelings of anger, hopelessness, loneliness, and anxiety.

Instead of running for taste in food, if food is taken as medicine it saves your life from diseases. The disease is when you are not at ease.

A healthy body leads to a healthy mind and a healthy mind gives you more joy and happiness.

Summary: Your healthy body is the byproduct of your healthy eating habits. A healthy body has a direct connection to a healthy mind. A healthy body and relaxed mind give you enormous joy.

4. Meditation

The mind is more powerful than the body. As exercise is for well being of your body then meditation is well-being for your mind.

Physical exercise added with meditation tremendously help you develop your understanding power.

Meditation is seemed to be a complex method to be practised. But the reality is that most of us do not know what meditation is.

Whenever or wherever you listen to the term meditation you connect this to spiritual practices. But everybody is not a spiritual person. So you have to find out a trick to add it to our daily practices.

The concept of Meditation

Jiddu Krishnamurty has opined that Meditation is a premeditated state. It is a state which you could never experience before and if you could experience it before then it is not meditation.

The real meaning of meditation is understanding and observing your thoughts, emotions, and feelings very minutely and their fluctuations with changing situations.

In your unhappy moment, you can meditate on the question,

why you are unhappy? or

what makes you unhappy? or

what you can do to solve this problem?

“Questioning is the beginning of intelligence and understanding.”

Your question would unfold your mind and thoughts. It might help you to understand the root cause of your sadness which you never have found before.

Understanding gives you clarity of life. The more peaceful is your internal world, the happier you are in your outward world.

Summary: Meditation is the pre-meditated state of mind. Meditation brings clarity to the mind and clarity helps you make the right decision in life.

A person who takes wrong decisions in life regrets the more afterwards. When there is regret there is no happiness.

5. Be Grateful.

Gratefulness to God reduces your stress and makes you happy always. You need to be grateful for having a well-being situation and lovely people around you.

You have a healthy body, a happy family and financial security, be grateful for that. As you know millions don’t have food to eat and feed their family. You are living the dream life of those millions.

Forgive yourself and others for any past offences that you have made to yourself or others have made to you. Adapt the quality of kindness and forgiveness.

Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

Practising gratefulness every day makes your mind calm and happy. It makes you feel reduced responsibilities in life.

A person’s overall happiness depends on how he reacts to any situation and how he put the meaning of any occurrence.

If you are a failure you are unhappy, hopeless and depressed because your thoughts regarding failure are unhappy. You can be instantly happy by changing the meaning of failure in your mind.

If you nurture the thought that failures are the pillars of success and you have become a more acceptable and strong person after coming across the failures. You will be happy instantly. Then you will see something new in that problem.

Summary:  Gratitude to God or the Creator of this universe for whatever you have today gives you relaxation and happiness as it reduces your stress and ends up feeling lighter from your responsibilities.

6. Work for success

Success is everybody’s demand. Though the definition of success differs from person to person. But the fact is everybody wants to be successful in life.

Read: Why does everybody want to be successful?

There is a proverb:  An empty mind is the workplace of a devil.

An empty mind always thinks about petty objects and meaningless happenings.

If a person works for success, it increases his happiness level as soon as he achieves something great in his work field. When you achieve something small in your career as a beginner, it energises you to achieve more. Your success is a series of successful habits and small achievements.

Summary: Working for success and achieving or learning something new in every moment makes you more confident and happy. It feels like you have lived your life to the fullest.

7. Live with a Goal

A goal gives you the direction to achieve success in life. There should never be a moment where there is no goal in life.

Achieving goals in every sector of your life makes you an all-rounder performer of life. It adds happiness to your daily lifestyle.

The feeling of achievement in every moment makes your day beautiful and relaxes your mind as you nurture the thought that you achieved something new in life.

Now the question is

How to achieve a new goal in every moment of your life?

It’s so simple. Just be aware of whatever you are doing. When you are at the office or in your own company, think about the progression of your company, clients and employers. Try to do something welfare wholeheartedly for them.

At home, make your goal to spend quality time with your family members or love interests. During exercise fixes your goal to muscle building or doing exercise regularly.

Find out the most suitable goal to be achieved in your daily life. It is totally up to you. Think about your daily routine and set your everyday goal.

Practising this habit daily makes you an all-rounder in life and a great achiever. An achiever always lives in happiness.

Summary:  Living with a goal in every moment of your life makes you a great achiever and all-rounder in life games.

8. Talk to friends

Being a social being, man is always prone to engaging in something. He is afraid of being alone or living in a state of loneliness, sadness and depression.

Man is always in want of something which could fulfil his thought every moment. A true friend is equal to a library. Talking with true friends and sharing our sorrows with them reduces our problems.

It always gives you happiness and makes you laugh whenever you talk to your friends. And smile causes your brain to release dopamine hormone which is knowns as the feel-good hormone.

Summary: Talking to a good friend on whatever topic, reduces stress and makes you laugh. A smile is the most common expression of happiness.

9. Choose your Career

A person who chooses his career path regrets less afterwards. He works hard to achieve success in life.

If you choose the right career path according to your own sweet will, it pays you off in the long run.

Everybody wants to acquire success in life. Honestly speaking, our education system is mainly focused on enabling the students to be financially secure.

What happens if you choose your career path?

i. You could not waste your time as success is your responsibility.

ii. You plan your everyday effectively and keep an eye on your weekly activities.

iii. you could not indulge yourself in pretty everyday happenings but rather focus on your aim.

If you waste your time(i.e. not doing the activities which lead you to success), emerges the feeling of sadness and depression but when you utilize your time it makes you happy.

Summary: Choosing the right career path according to your own sweet will increase your happiness, productivity and energy as it refrains you from living another’s life.

Either choose your career path to achieve something great in life or be satisfied with your career path which has been chosen.

Do your every work with utmost love and care.

10. Understand your thoughts

‘As a man thinketh in his heart so is he’, says James Allen in his book “As a Man Thinketh”. This is one of my favourite books as it unfolds the power of thoughts.

A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.

If you think of being a good human being, you will be that.

If you think of being a good student, you will be that. Thoughts become things.

If you nurture the thought of happiness you would find out the reasons behind your unhappiness and would be happy.

You need to create the habit of Understanding your thoughts very minutely. You have to stick to your thoughts for a long time to understand them. It does not happen overnight.

The more happiness you get as soon as you simplify the thought. Human being always tends to the complex thoughts. Common sense is the most uncommon in recent times.

Complex thought– you broke up with your love interest but thinking about all the memories and deepening the thought that it should not have happened.

Simple Thought- You broke up but thinking there was something wrong that’s why we broke up. So it’s good and I should move on.

You should always keep in mind that no one can assure you to be happy always. But one who understands his thoughts knows why he is unhappy?

How to create this habit?

Give five minutes every day. Close your eyes in a comfortable posture and ask yourself questions regarding your thought. You can ask questions like- why I am not good at studying? Or what I could do to score better in my academic field?  Or so on.

You might not get the correct answer as a beginner but if you stick to this habit for a long time, it would develop your understanding power.

Summary:  Be aware of your thoughts and know the exact reasons behind your expressions of thought, love, anger, and happiness. Simplify your thoughts and stop your mind from overthinking.

A calm and relaxed mind is the by-product of a happy and peaceful mind.




Categories: Happiness

Chanpa Pal

My name is Chanpa Pal. I am a passionate learner. I love to learn new things every moment. Understanding my life is one of my most fascinating hobbies. I write content based on real-life experience. These will also help you to understand your life better. So, have a great and happy life ahead.


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