Relationship: Exploring 9 Types of Relationships

Published by Chanpa Pal on

Exploring different types of relationships

In modern society, relationships encompass any connection between individuals. The relationship between humans provides security, shelter, enjoyment, happiness, power, and confidence to live.

As you read this blog post, you may be contemplating relationships. But have you ever considered that you are only reading this post because of your upbringing? Your parents have cared for you, and you are the result of their relationship. You are now growing up in a world that is shaped by relationships.

Only human makes relationships with others. They can form relationships with others because they have the thinking ability that the other creatures don’t have.

In our lives, relationships play a crucial role in our happiness and satisfaction.

The study suggests that healthy and beautiful relationships lead to happiness.

It means healthy boding makes a person happy. On the other hand, a toxic relationship makes a man sad. So, try to make your relationship healthy.

Today, we will be discussing the various types of relationships that exist in our society.

9 Types of Relationships.

1. Romantic Relationships.

Romantic relationship.

Image: Unsplash

This genre is prevalent in the film industry and often discussed. Filmmakers use it to connect with their audience.

An emotional and sexual attraction is what characterizes this type of bonding. Individuals in this relationship share a strong emotional connection and often find themselves drawn to each other. This typically occurs between opposite sexes, where a girl attracts a boy and vice versa.

This relationship can range from dating and courtship to marriage.

In Summary: 

Romantic partnerships are built on love, affection, and intimacy, playing a significant role in continuing generations and forming valuable connections on this planet.

2. Friendships. 


Image: Unsplash

The world’s most beautiful and selfless relationship is Friendship. It is the bonding of individuals who share the same interests and qualities. Mutual support and companionship are keys to this relationship.

Friends are the most important people in our lives. They are as important as our families. But one thing you should remember in this case is that friends need to be honest and good. A dishonest friend is as harmful as an enemy.

Friendship is an extraordinary and meaningful relationship between the individuals.

The fundamental elements of any strong friendship are trust, mutual respect, emotional support, acceptance, laughter, enjoyment, communication, reciprocity, and growth.

You can only make a good and strong relationship if the other persons trust you and show mutual respect.

Friendship plays an important role in someone’s life. But it will help if you understand that friendships are not perfect at all. Conflicts or disagreements can arise in friendships. Though there are conflicts, true friends always understand the situations and treat them like that.

In summary:

Friendship is a vital part of an individual’s life. It makes you social and helps you to grow. This bond brings support, a sense of belonging, and companionship. A strong and unshakeable friendship can have a significant impact on an individual’s satisfaction, well-being and happiness.

3. Familial Relationships.

familial relationship; father and child.

Image: Unsplash 

This relationship refers to the connection between the members of a family. These are typically blood relationships and they are defined by legal ties. Familial relationships play a key role in shaping one’s identity, career and life.

These attachments share a strong emotional bond which keeps all the members connected. These relationships are quite diverse and they are of different types such as

A. Parent-Child Relationship.

B. Siblings Relationships.

C. Cousin Relationships.

D. Grandparent- Grandchild Relationships. 

E. In Law- Relationships.

F. Step- Family Relationships.

G. Extended Relationships.

H. Adoptive Relationships.

In Summary:

Familial connections are the main source of an individual’s energy and support systems. These relationships can provide physical, social, material, economic and emotional support throughout life. They take care of us and make us able to be friends with others. So, familial relationships are always the primary bond in our society.

4. Professional Relationships. 

professional relationships

Image: Unsplash 

Professional relationship refers to the connection that is built within the professional context. Suppose, you are a software engineer and you work in an office. Now, the persons with whom you work every day, you share a connection with them.

These connections start with professional context but sometimes they may end in other relationships.

For example, you can make a good friendship with one of your colleagues or you can build a romantic relationship if you both get married to each other.

So, the professional relationship can be personal sometimes.

In professional relationships, we share mutual respect, collaboration, work-related goals and focus to reach common objectives.

There are various types of professional affiliations, such as

A. Colleagues Relationships.

B. Supervisor- Subordinate Relationships.

C. Mentorship and Mentee Relationships.

D. Client- Customer Relationships.

E. Vendor- Supplier Relationships.

F. Professional Associations.

G. Team Relationships.

H. Peer Relationships.

I. Networking Relationships.

In Summary:

The quality and effectiveness of professional associations can have a great impact on someone’s life and career. A good and honest professional connection can make an individual successful and allow him to grow. On the other hand, a toxic companionship can spoil your career and even your life. So, be cautious before choosing your work field.

5. Platonic Relationships.

A platonic relationship refers to a non-romantic and non-sexual relationship.

This relationship builds between two individuals who don’t have any expectations from each other. They share a deep emotional connection which is far from the understanding of the common people. There is no romantic or sexual attraction in this bonding.

The individuals share a special bond which ultimately connects them with the supreme reality of this universe.

We know that relationships always bind us and hide the reality of this universe from us. But this platonic relationship can set us free and they can connect us with the ultimate reality of this universe.

The bond in a relationship may begin with physical and mental attraction, but it goes beyond those aspects and ultimately touches the souls of the partners. The connection between their souls can never be severed. They have a deep level of respect for each other. Both partners become an integral part of each other’s lives, seeing each other in their own unique identity. They are inseparable, eternally connected and blessed with heavenly love.

In Summary:

A platonic relationship is considered to be the highest level of relationship. It is a non-romantic, non-sexual and non-familial relationship that connects the souls of two individuals. This kind of bonding can make you experience true love and a sense of real freedom. However, it is not easy to achieve this kind of companionship. It requires a deep level of knowledge and understanding to experience a meaningful platonic relationship.

6. Casual Relationships. 

Casual relationships are short-term relationships where the individuals are less emotionally connected. These relationships are non-committal or free from long-term commitment.

This often occurs between individuals seeking companionship and fun, without establishing a long-term and deep connection.

Examples of casual relationships are casual dating, acquaintance or bonding without any commitment. It usually occurs when we visit our relatives and build friendships there with some people.

As these casual relationships often lack serious commitments, they can either dissolve or develop into genuine friendships.

In Summary:

The individuals involved in casual relationships communicate openly and honestly as there are no significant commitments. People enjoy their companionship, have fun and gain different experiences. When both parties share the same intentions and thoughts, they can develop into genuine relationships.

7. Online Relationships.

Online Relationship: Chatting with so many friends.

Image: Unsplash

Online relationships are not personal but interpersonal relationships. These relationships mainly exist and grow through the Internet and digital communication.

Online relationships can be friendships, romantic relationships, professional relationships, casual relationships and more. This relationship develops through different types of digital means such as social media, messaging apps, video calls, online platforms, or online dating apps.

It often transcends geographical boundaries and connects people from different countries and continents. There is no religious restriction here as there is no physical presence. The individuals involved in this relationship often share common interests, hobbies and activities that connect them emotionally.

However, it is challenging to build a deep and emotional connection in online relationships. As they are not physically connected, they can only support the network. The people can provide emotional support, great advice and companionship to each other.

Despite so many drawbacks, some online relationships can be long-lasting even without the physical presence for years.

In Summary:

Online relationships primarily exist and develop through digital means. Though building trust and deeper emotional connection are challenging in this relationship, some online relationships can be long-lasting without any physical presence.

8. Social Relationships.

social relationship: the supporting hands.

Image: Unsplash 

Social relationships are the connections of the individuals in their social environment. These relationships play a crucial role in forming one’s social life, emotional well-being and personal development.

They often include relationships with neighbours, fellow members and even the people from your community who share common interests and hobbies.

Healthy social relationships play a significant role in a support system as they provide emotional, physical and psychological support to each other. They have a deep impact on the individual’s social, emotional and psychological well-being.

Sometimes conflict may arise in this relationship, but they always help you in your bad times. You truly get great support from them in your crucial period.

In Summary:

Social relationships are important for an individual’s emotional and psychological well-being. They have a profound impact on others. They deeply impact others’ lives as healthy social relationships give you genuine emotional and physical support in your bad times. These relationships also play a significant role in personal growth.

9. Committed Relationships.

This is a type of romantic relationship where two are committed to each other. They are emotionally and legally or morally committed. A high level of dedication and long-term vision are necessary to build this kind of connection.

Marriage and domestic partnership involve mutual responsibilities and financial dependence. It requires dedication, long-term planning, emotional intimacy, trust, love, affection, and endurance to thrive.

The partners of a committed relationship become the support system to each other. As they are committed to each other, they also support each other’s personal growth and development.

They share the finances and expenses and even plan for their financial future together. If both partners remain faithful to each other, they can build healthy and trustworthy relationships.

In Summary: 

Committed partnerships are built when two partners are legally and morally committed to each other. The partners in a committed relationship provide support for each other’s personal growth and development. They plan finances and expenses together, building trust in faithful relationships.

Bottom Line:

Relationships, whether romantic or familial, are often cherished. However, it’s important to understand that no relationship lasts forever. At some point, relationships may experience a downfall. In reality, the only truly constant thing is you. Your relationships serve as a reminder of your true self. Therefore, it’s essential to nurture and maintain healthy connections. Doing so will bring you happiness and enjoyment.

Those who are not entangled in any kind of relationship and have amazing friends are considered the luckiest. Therefore, it is important to cherish and nurture your relationships, as they can provide deep and meaningful connections that can lead to a better understanding of the ultimate reality of the universe.

Always remember, you are your best friend and best support. 

There is a famous quote by Aristotle,

“Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god.”


Categories: Relationships

Chanpa Pal

My name is Chanpa Pal. I am a passionate learner. I love to learn new things every moment. Understanding my life is one of my most fascinating hobbies. I write content based on real-life experience. These will also help you to understand your life better. So, have a great and happy life ahead.


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