Stop Procrastination: 8 Ways To Overcome Procrastination.

Published by Chanpa Pal on

Stop procrastination and stop making excuses.

What you think, you become. You are the collection of your habits. We are prone to be procrastinators. Everybody wants to work less. So, procrastination is a common trait that we find in everybody.

For further reading: Read this.

But the problem is that you have only one life. You don’t know whether you will get another life or not. So, what you wish to do, you have to do that in this life. And the serious question is that you don’t know how many years you have on this planet.

The moral of the story is that whatever you wish to do, you have to do in this life. When you try to follow your dream, procrastination will make hindrance.

So you have to overcome this procrastination to do something meaningful. Once you conquer this enemy, you can do anything special in life.

Let’s come. Here I am going to share some practical ways that will be helpful for you to overcome this procrastination.

How to Overcome Procrastination?

Everything is possible. If you feel a powerful wish to do something, you can do that easily. Circumstances may make your way difficult but they are not able to stop your way. So, if you have a strong desire to overcome procrastination, that is not a big deal at all.

Some simple ways would assist you to conquer this enemy. So follow these practical tips to be a great achiever.

1. Follow Your Passion.

Do you know who is the happiest person? Is he a person who has a lot of money and a family? Well, he might be a happy person but not the happiest.

According to me, the happiest person is one who derives happiness from his work. A person who loves his job and performs that with great courage and enthusiasm.

When you are happy in your work life, the other aspects i.e. health, family and social life, will be in balance.

You will be happy if you follow your passion. Suppose you love writing even when you are not paid for that. And if you go into a field related to writing, you will end up living a happy life.

The perfect career seems to have happiness, enthusiasm, wealth and demand. When you love what you are doing and that gives you happiness and financial freedom; you are in the perfect career indeed. Moreover, you have a lot of opportunities and big exposure to that.

So, when you follow your passion and enjoy your work; you don’t procrastinate. Because time becomes fast then. That’s why someone has rightly said, happy moments pass fast and time becomes timeless then.

When your job is interesting and you are happy, then why will you procrastinate?

2. No Backup Plans.

In life backup plans are necessary. It saves you from a terrible disaster. But there are some fields where backup plans stop your growth.

For example, you are trying to crack something new in life. You fail so many times as it is new. Here you can try either many more times or go back to your backup plans.

When you have backup plans, you find security. Your mind knows that you can easily live your life if you are unable to crack any new things.

So, here you can afford to kill time. You can be a procrastinator. But what about if you know there is no way back? You have to either do it or you will die. When you are in such a condition, you have no other option. So, you have to crack the new things. And strong desire will stop you from being a procrastinator.

So, when life is at a stake and there is no way back; there is no procrastination.

3. No Comparison.

Comparison kills the potentialities. It never gives the perfect growth in life. You run a rat race then and don’t know why you are running. Comparison is such a big silent killer that kills someone’s dreams and desires.

Have you ever thought about what happens when you compare?

Two situations occur when we compare; firstly, you feel happy and secondly, you feel sad. But how?

If you are greater in comparison, you enjoy a superiority complex. But when you feel you are a loser in comparison, you suffer from an inferiority complex.

So, when you compare yourself with others, you feel happy if you know you are greater than others. Then you think you should not do anything new in life. You have the chance to procrastinate.

On the other hand, if you feel you can not beat the others, you quit the game. And then you procrastinate and return to your old form.

These two situations are the imposters. If growth is the aim of your life then stop comparing and rather work every day to beat yourself. When you stop comparing and try defeating yourself every day, you are busy learning every moment.

When you are busy learning something new, how procrastination would be possible for you?

4. Know The Purpose Of Life.

When you know the greatest purpose of this life, you will utilize your time. The actual purpose of your life will never let you waste your time. It would rather teach how to live this life to the fullest.

Moreover, your purpose always motivates you to discover the different dimensions of this life. Your true purpose makes you feel that you have only this life to prove yourself. So, when you know the purpose of your life, procrastination could not create any hindrance for you.

5. Nurture Hobbies.

Always nurture hobbies to feel good.

The hobby is like the rest in exercise. Suppose your job is a workout and your hobby is resting between the workout. As rest is more important in exercise to keep your health good. Similarly, hobbies are more important to live a happy life.

When you nurture some hobbies(such as drawing, reading, gardening, walking, language learning and so on), they make you more confident and more successful. The pastimes help you to pass your time most creatively and productively.

So, when you utilize your leisure to harbour hobbies, you are trend to learn something new. You can easily develop a learning attitude. Your learning attitude could never let you be a procrastinator as it always engages you in acquiring something new every moment.

 6. Learn every day And Try New Things.

Try new thing. if not now then when.

Learning makes you different from others. It develops knowledge, confidence and beauty in you. You can see the secrets of this life. Your knowledge is your best friend. If you engage yourself in learning every day, it helps you to stop procrastination.

Your pastimes are used creatively and you end up learning something new. When you learn every day something new, your learning habit refrains you from being lazy.

You have to practice what you are learning. You will have concrete knowledge of anything when you practice them. Practice makes one perfect.

So, learn new things and try something new; you will find the true meaning of life. Your life will be filled with happiness, freshness and novelty.


7. Follow The Road That Is Not Taken.

“I took the one less travelled by

And that has made all the difference.”

Robert Frost.

Always follow the less travelled way that gives you a reason to stop procrastination.

The road not taken means following the one that nobody follows. When you take the road which is not taken by others, there are so many challenges, adventures and new things. You don’t have any blueprint to follow the road.

This kind of road truly makes you fearful but only this road can bring you to your destination. So, follow the less travelled way because that will make the difference.

When you follow the less walked way, you are alone then. It makes you afraid and everyone doubts your intention.

The doubts of others motivate you to prove them wrong. And you work hard because you know now your goal is different from the rest. So, you don’t have time to waste. How could you afford to procrastinate when your goal is bigger than others? Delaying the job is not possible then because you have to prove yourself.

8. Live Every Moment as Your Last.

When you live every moment, you overcome procrastination.

We think that we are immortal. Even if the whole world dies, we are not going to die. We don’t see death every moment that’s why we delay our jobs. When we know we have a limited time and we have to do that within this time; we stop procrastination.

Every moment we are changing, life is flowing and we are dying. You are not the same one who was in yesterday. So, ‘you’ of yesterday are dead today. Today is your new day. You are just born today.

The happiness of life multiplies when you live every moment as your last moment.

For example, you are drawing something; you have to think that you are drawing it for the last time. So, what happens when you do something for the last time?

You try to do that perfectly and the joy that you derive from it is the result of your work. You don’t need to wait for results because that joy is your success.

The moral of the story is that if every moment is the last moment for you then how can you afford to kill your time and how procrastination is possible?

The outer force is not necessary then to overcome procrastination. Your inner mindset is enough to tackle it.

So, these are the ways that help me from being a procrastinator. You are free to try them as there is no big investment here. You can start with zero investment.

Moreover, what are your ways that support you to defeat procrastination? Let me know in the comment section.

Categories: Success

Chanpa Pal

My name is Chanpa Pal. I am a passionate learner. I love to learn new things every moment. Understanding my life is one of my most fascinating hobbies. I write content based on real-life experience. These will also help you to understand your life better. So, have a great and happy life ahead.


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