What Is Prayer: 9 Life Changing Benefits Of Prayer.

What Is Prayer?
It is true that when we shine in our academic field, we disrespect the almighty god. Do you think what is prayer then? The truth is that God is always there with you. As your learning becomes sound, you start believing in God and you understand that without the help of God, we all are helpless and alone.
You know that famous verse by Mirza Galib
“If there was nothing, God was there.
If there is nothing, God is there.
If there would be nothing, god will be there.”
Without god, human does not exist.
But what is the definition of god?
To me, God is the creator of this universe. God is omnipotent, Omniscient and omnipresent i.e. he is the most powerful, he is present everywhere and knows everything.
And the act of speaking to God is the definition of prayer. Prayer means the words that we use when we speak to God or make a connection to God.
We are born to pray which means to perform thanksgiving for God. But a lot of people don’t achieve that and live their lives with intense pressure and unhappiness.
Later, if you try to pray; sometimes you don’t know how to pray. They are ignorant of the benefits of prayer. So, they never start.
Here in this article, I am going to share everything related to prayer. This is going to help you to perform prayer. It will also discuss the benefits of prayer, the best time to pray and the ways to pray.
9 Most Important Benefits Of Prayer.
Whenever we try to adopt some new habits, firstly we know why we should do that. In other words, what are the benefits of doing those? Similarly, here when you are going to pray, you must know why should you pray. Or the benefits of prayer.
Here I am going to share with you the 9 most important benefits or reasons to perform prayer. I think these must amaze you and your life is going to go through a change.
After praying for one week or one month, you will see a significant change in your thoughts and understanding. And that will fulfil your human life.
1. You Focus on Yourself.
When you start praying, you gradually understand that you are the most important part of this universe. You are the source of this universe. The whole world is seen in you. As a result, you focus on yourself.
And then you want to be the greatest, not the best. The best is one who is the best in comparison to others. But the greatest is one who has no competition and always learns to be greater.
The best person can compare but the greatest person does not compare. Because he is his own identity.
Your daily prayer makes a good connection with the source of this universe. You only feel that after performing the prayer. After that, you focus on yourself and learn more things about yourself.
Then you become your most important friend and person. It helps you to find the positive sides of your life. When you see the positive qualities of your life, you become happy and your life becomes balanced.
2. Your Mind Becomes Calm.
The mind has greater power than the body. We have seen that there are so many physically challenged people who have done something unthinkable.
All of you heard about Helen Keller; was blind, deaf and dumb. But despite these physical weaknesses, she became one of the greatest inspirations in the world.
So, what did you see? You see that the mind is more potent than the body. Attaining a calm mind is the most remarkable achievement ever. Everyone wants a peaceful and serene mind.
Sometimes, they think it is impossible attaining a calm mind. But it is only possible with prayer. Without prayer, you can never have a calm mind.
When you pray, you dedicate everything to God and immediately your mind becomes calm. Then you think, you have told everything to the creator of this universe. So, you don’t have any fear because now he will show you the way to do what is right to do.
You become fearless and accept what happens to you. You always find some positive sides to every incident. A frightened mind is a disturbed mind but a fearless mind is a calm mind.
So, when you are fearless; your mind is calm and that is the greatest achievement of your life.
3. Greater Understanding.
We usually find someone who understands us better. Even we love to make friends with someone who understands our thoughts better.
What do you mean by understanding?
I don’t know what understanding is for others. But to me, understanding means when someone knows the truth behind every happening and he follows them. He sees others in his place and judges them.
For example, you want to break up with your lover. If he understands better he will never bind you in a relationship rather he frees you. He knows that freedom is most important. He understands that when you are not wishing to stay with him, there must be some reasons.
He then understands the reasons. And then he will free you for good.
Here the question comes how prayer can increase your understanding.
A person understands better when he focuses on himself and sees every aspect of his life. When he feels his situation and learns from them, he understands better.
And prayer makes you closer to yourself and you start realizing yourself better than others. You see the amazing secrets of your life and learn the truth behind everything.
Prayer makes you understand that everything on this planet is temporary. Change is the only constant on this planet. So, you take everything playfully and nothing makes you sad. Life becomes a game then and you try to play it wholeheartedly.
Is not it the greatest understanding when you understand that everything is temporary on this planet?
4. Positive Approach Towards Life.
Everyone talks about a positive attitude in life. We are tired of hearing be positive. Is it possible to be positive always in life?
But before knowing how to be positive, we need to know what is positivity.
Most people think being positive means thinking what is happening is good even if they are bad incident. Suppose, you have lost your father and you think it is good. Now you tell me how is it good for everyone?
It is the sad and heart-wrenching incident ever. If you tell this just to tell without knowing the truth behind it, you are an idiot.
Now you can tell me what is positive in this case. Honestly speaking, there is negativity in this.
But to me, it is positive because it says we all are going to die every moment. We are not accepting it but it is true. It is positive as you have nothing to do now without accepting it.
Now the positivity is that you can now learn what is death. You can raise many questions related to death and understand the answers to those. Those might help you to learn what is birth also. It will also tell you the purpose of this human life. And that will complete your life.
Is not it positive that lets you know the greatest secret of this universe?
The prayer has that power which lets you know everything about yourself. It gives the answers to all your questions. Your mind becomes calm and you stay always in positivity.
5. Happiness Increases.
Happiness comes to mind when you have no conflict or confusion in mind. When the mind is calm and you can handle any kind of situation, you feel happy.
A person who lives in the outer world can never feel pure happiness. The outer world never gives you real happiness until you conquer your inner world.
Prayer is the way which brings you to the inner world of your mind. It says you to know the truth of your existence. Prayer makes you intelligent about your inner world and releases all kinds of conflicts.
Gradually you feel a stream of happiness flowing inside your mind. Your happiness increases and you stay always happy.
6. Good at Decision Making.
Let’s understand who makes a good decision.
A person who has experience of life or one who understood life very minutely. But how they understood their lives? They understood with time and making mistakes.
Your mistakes clear your confusion and conflicts. You can see reality as it is. And that helps them to make good decisions.
We listen to the greatest people to learn from their mistakes and experiences.
But how does prayer help you make good decisions?
When you pray, your focus on yourself more. You ask questions and try to learn every secret of your life. The outer world disturbs you but your prayer lets you understand the inner world.
With time, you gradually overcome all your confusions and conflicts; which helps you to be a good decision-maker.
7. You Live a Balanced life.
Living a balanced life is the ultimate goal of this human life. The struggle of life is nothing but to make it balanced.
There are two worlds; the inner world and the outer world. The outer world is where we do most of our activities and we live here. But the inner world is from where you derive all your powers to live in this outer world.
The prayer brings you closer to your inner world. If you conquer the outer world, it never lets you be happy and live a balanced life. But if you conquer your inner world, the outer world will be balanced.
So, if you wish to live this human life with utmost happiness and beauty then pray.
8. Reach The Almighty.
Prayer helps you to reach the almighty. Some people believe in god and some don’t.
Prayer is not whether you believe in god or not; it is talking about existence. If you are alive, so there is a reason; god is the reason.
How prayer can help you to reach god. When you pray, you worship Him and dedicate everything to Him. Now you don’t have any problem because now you think god will take care of you.
But you do your duty. You work and perform everything necessary to live but you always believe in god. With time you realize a strong connection with the power which is the creator of everything.
Your mind sees that there is something which creates everything and you are worshipping him. It is the way to reach the almighty.
9. Knowledge Increases.
Acquiring a lot of information from somewhere is not knowledge at all. They are just information and this information binds you.
To me, knowledge is what sets you free. The wisdom that provides you freedom and makes your life simple, is real knowledge. Knowing your real identity is the actual knowledge. You can only understand your identity if you ask questions to yourself.
Prayer is the route which lets you ask questions about your identity. You learn more about yourself and your knowledge increases. So, pray to know yourself and be free from the bondage of society.
What Is The Best Time To Pray?
There is no particular time to pray. If you understand the real meaning of prayer, you are always praying. But it is also true that sometimes we feel more connection with god. And it helps you to perform better.
A calm mind is a solution to everything. No matter how crucial your problems are, a calm find can find their solutions. When we do something with total engagement, we finish them quickly.
I pray twice a day; in the early morning and before going to bed. It helps me to live a happy and peaceful life.
You can choose early morning for your prayer if you are a beginner. And it is also the best time to pray.
Why morning is the best time to pray?
Because this time the world remains silent and you become closer to nature. You stay in your natural state and God is the most natural state of ours.
So, your mind remains calm, and your body emits a positive and serene vibe; the result is, you can make a great connection to God.
Similarly, at night your mind becomes relaxed after completing your daily tasks and lets you perform them peacefully.
How To Pray?
Performing prayer is the easiest job you have ever done. In a word, we are born to pray or to show our thankfulness to the creator of everything.
Before knowing what is prayer or how to pray? You should know what is not a prayer or what is not the way of prayer.
Prayer is showing your love and thankfulness to god. If you are asking for something you are not praying, you are trading. But when you say you are happy with everything you have and you are thankful to god for that; you are praying.
Asking for a problem-free life is not prayer, but requesting the power to handle a problem; is prayer.
So, I am going to share the words that I use while praying and it helps me to live a happy and peaceful life.
The two times of prayer; after waking up and before going to bed.
The morning prayer is like something,
Dear God, you are inside of me, within my every breath, within each bird, each mighty mountain. Your sweet touch reaches everything and I am well protected.
Hey God, thank you that I am alive today. Thank you, for this beautiful day before me. I am happy and healthy. I am grateful to you for everything I have today. Thank you almighty for showering love on me.
May joy, love, peace and compassion be part of my life.
The night prayer is like,
Dear God, I have spent my day actively and happily. I have done all the tasks that were assigned to me. I am successful because I have completed my daily task. I have become a greater human being today. I thank you, God, for this beautiful day. I am peaceful and go to bed happily.
Summary: If you want to live this life with utmost happiness and calm, then make prayer a habit. You don’t know the power of prayer. Your life can be changed with prayer. It has changed my life and now I can handle everything with the help of prayer.
The moral of the story; pray every day and make this life worthy of living.