5 Reasons Why Everybody Wants Success In Life.

If you are reading this content, it is sure that you are a person who wants to be successful. You may know why everybody wants to be successful in life.
You are not a kid but one who wants to achieve something great in life.
We struggle for getting success but don’t know why we want to be successful.
Why does one want to be successful?
This question should never be neglected.
Do you want to know what real success is and how to achieve this? Then
Related: 5 keys to unlocking the door of success.
There are some hidden desires in everyone which develop the success mindset in them.
Here I will talk about 5 reasons why you wish and want to be successful in life.
1. You Want Financial Freedom.
You are a human being, you are alive, and these are enough reasons for a person to be financially secure.
Our success journey starts from earning money to having financial security but ends in rushing towards name and fame.
This is the harsh reality.
Do you want an example?
When you were a student, you wanted to get your dream job to make both ends meet with your income.
But what are you looking for now?
Are you not thinking of getting a promotion or achieving something great than that?
You should do that. It helps you to grow in life. The moment you stop growing, you are dead.
The person who is learning is alive but the person who has stopped learning is dead.
Learning and growth are necessary to be alive, to be filled with energy and vitality.
The main reason why one wants to be successful is a hidden desire to be financially independent.
2. You Want A Happy Life.
Happiness is a kind of feeling that we all want. Happiness is the most valuable emotion. It’s priceless to everyone.
Each person desires to be happy, even at the end of a tiresome day, one wants only peace and happiness, not money.
You work hard and study more but why do you do so?
Of course, you want to achieve success and be happy.
A person is happy when
- He/she has a healthy body and a relaxed mind.
- He/She has a source of income.
- He/She has the status of a healthy relationship.
Without having a healthy body, relaxed mind, enough wealth and a good relationship, you can never be happy.
Long-term research on Happiness by Harvard University has proved that close relationships, more than fame or money, are what keep people happy throughout their lives.
This study revealed many other aspects of happiness.
“When the study began, nobody cared about empathy or attachment. But the key to healthy ageing is relationships, relationships, relationships”
George Vaillant.
If you are interested to know the full study on happiness by Harvard University then read this.
If you are successful, you have a source of income. Now, your main concern is not money. So it is high time to think about other aspects of your life.
Financial independence is the foremost thing you should achieve in life unless you are a spiritual person.
So to be a happy person you have to achieve success on your terms.
3. You Want Prosperity in Life.
We all want to prosper in life to have a great impact on society and children.
Prosperity comes into your life when you understand the field of your work and life properly.
Without understanding properly what you are doing and why are you doing don’t let you prosper in life.
Understanding your life or all aspects of your life is the greatest success itself.
Who does not love prosperity?
Everybody wants to prosper in life. To prosper, you need to aspire and you need to be successful in life.
4. You Want to Fulfil Your Dreams and Desires.
“Dream is not that which you see while you are sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep.”
APJ Abdul Kalam
when I was a kid, I used to dream of having an electronic calculator. My father gifted me that after a few years, my joy knew no bounds then, it seemed as if I have achieved my dream.
A human being has certain desires and dreams which distinguish him from the other beings on this planet.
It is great pleasure to see myself achieving my desires and fulfilling my dreams.
I know this is your hidden desire to fulfil your all dreams. Your dreams could be buying a car, travelling the world, running your own company, and so on.
You work hard to see yourself at the zenith of success and to live your all dreams.
When a dream chases you, success becomes your necessity, your habit. Habit is easier to maintain than the promised goal.
5. You Want to be Immortal.
Everybody wants to live forever. Nobody wants to die. We all want to be commemorated even after our death. This is the actual desire that lies in us.
As a result, we are afraid of death while death is the only truth in life.
Anything which you want to achieve in life in the form of success is your hidden desire to be alive, to be immortal.
There are two reasons why you want to be successful in life
- Firstly, you want to do good for yourself.
- secondly, you want to do good for other people.
You have heard many people saying, they have failed in their startups or success journey.
How he could be a failure as he has learnt many things regarding his business.
He is not a loser rather he is one step closer to his success.
We all love success. Nobody loves failure in life. We work hard to get success in life but in reality, we want to be remembered for our work and success.
It is the harsh reality that you do not want to be successful in life to do good for others but yourself.
You can not deny the fact that we all are rushing towards name, fame and money to achieve our success. Even we have defined success as having enormous wealth, and global fame.
But in this game, we are forgetting love and caring for each other. We are creating jealousy and hatred and losing our peace of mind.
Life is little which makes it great. You have got an amazing gift called life. Live your life intelligently and stop being an emotional fool. Train your brain to think about what is real rather than capturing the facts. Let your mind understand the real cause of every happening.
Those who enjoy real success know why they are successful.